Betelguese class Bio

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Description : Born secretly Towards the end of World War 2, Betelguese was a monster battleship born from the Galaxian Empire. The Battleship was born as a match to face the threat of stronger battleships ( In this case, Yamato is what is meant ). The design of the Betelguese was a copy design of the H class Battleships proposal design of the Nazi Germany that secretly, the Galaxian Empire have found the blueprints and make a copy from how to get it is not known how they got it. The Battleship also was the first in the world that use 6 Barrel guns in each 1 turret. Not only that, they build the Betelguese to carried 18 Inch guns instead 16 Inch guns that was the original plan before. At almost the end of the World War 2, Betelguese makes it's first sortie at the 1960 era, when Betelguese was ordered to defend his nation from the threat of the Soviet Union after they heard about the news about the Korean War, they were afraid if the Soviet the possibility of attacking one of its territories, and it was happened once.

On the year of 1962, the Soviet make their movements to the Galaxian Empire by invading  the Meteor island which they claim their island. This makes the Empire send the Betelguese to take back the Island, but when the Betelguese arrive at there, the Battleship got rained by coastal guns that the Soviet made at there, damaging it's broadside. The Commander of the ship ordered to fire back, Betelguese then released all of it's 24 18 Inch guns on the Soviet army position that instantly killiing all the army that are doing their operation at that place. Not just 1 full salvo, Betelguese almost scorched the area until the crew was sure there were no more Soviet soldiers left there. This incident is named " The Solar Flare Incident "

At the modern era, Betelguese was still in service until now as the main flagship of the Imperial fleet. But this tittle will be replaced by the new ones, the IGN Milky Way and the IGN Andromeda that will be the next candidate flagship to changed the Betelguese position as flagship.

Ship specification

Name : IGN Betelguese the magni 

Internasional name : HMGS Betelguese The Great

Hull number : 237

Ship code : BB

Ship class : Betelguese class Super Tillman Battleship

Ship data

Displacement : 67.000 tons
( 72.000 tons fully load )

Length : 289 Meters

Beam :  40 Meters

Draft : 13.15 Meters

Propulsion system : 12× MAN diesel engines, 3× shaft

Speed : 29,5 Knots

Arnaments ( Cold War era retrofit Include ) :

• 4× 460 mm ( 18 Inch ) sixtupplets barrel Tillman Battleship guns

• 20× 210 mm secondary guns ( 10 on both left & right )

• 4× Phalanx CIWS

• 4× Kashtan 30 CIWS

• 4× Splash 30 CIWS*

• 6× RIM - 116 Air Defense system

• 8× Armored Box launcher pods for Harpoon missiles

• 2× Special Armored Box launcher pods for ASM - 1 Miss Lure Anti Ship Missiles*

• 4× Triple torpedo tubes for Mark - 46 Light homing torpedo or Blue Shark torpedo.

• 1 Helipad for AW - 101 Merlin

Ship looks :

Note : This is the drawing of the Betelguese during the end of the Korean War

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Note : This is the drawing of the Betelguese during the end of the Korean War.

Note : The " * " mark means the weapon looks will appears in the next chapters

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