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(Lapse POV)

"Faultless no!" I exclaimed in alarm as Faultless tried shoving marbles in his mouth. Looking at me with a sad look, Faultless whined before trying to reach the marbles once more before being stopped by me using my strings to hold him in the air, away from the other marbles laying on the ground. "Which one of you idiots-" I said before abruptly stopping myself and then glancing at faultless before switching my words. "I mean, which one of you slow low brained dum dum's gave faultless these?!" I said as I pointed at the marbles on the ground, while staring straight at the murder trio who was currently pretending like they had no idea on what I was talking about.

"If none of you answer me, I'll take it that you all are unreliable on watching over faultless and will only let error, cross, and night see him." I said threateningly as I brought Faultless to my arms, quickly adjusting my position so he was comfortable. Stiffening, the murder trio glanced at each other while having an argument with their facial expressions. Obviously they were silently arguing with each other and have definitely done this before but since I haven't been here very long, I could only watch as all three of their expressions changed each moment as they looked at each other.

After a tense silent stare argument, the three skeletons looked at me before pointing at each other. Killer was pointing at dust while dust was pointing at killer and horror was pointing at both killer and dust with a grin. Smiling in approval at horror, I quickly use my strings to entangle both dust and killer who immediately voiced out their complaints of horror ratting them out before shutting up when strings wrapped around their mouth, muffling them.

Looking up at the two tied up skeletons in strings, Faultless let out a series of giggles before he suddenly teleported from my arms and onto horror's skull. Gleefully looking around from a higher surrounding, faultless used horror as his tower while horror was grinning even wider in happiness while smugly grinning at both killer and dust who were staring at him in jealousy. Both of them had wanted to win over the baby's favor but it was quite clear that horror had won this round. Well at least he won it for about a minute before a static sound was heard and a glitchy portal opened revealing error on the other side with night.

Looking over in night and error's direction, Faultless's expression brightened even more than before and with a little static sound that was barely audible, Faultless teleported off of horror's skull and straight in night's arms. Looking at the child with a amused smile, night held faultless while error snickered at the looks of betrayal that the trio was giving them.

After taking in the scene of killer and dust tied up and horror looking at loss of where the child went, error closed the portal that night and him went through.

(Meanwhile in another multiverse-)

(Nightmare POV)

"Boss?" Killer asked as he hesitantly poked his head through the door and into my office. Not looking up, I continue to read a book about multiverse theory when I sensed something being thrown at me. Shooting out from my back, one of my tendrils grabbed whatever was thrown before showing the object in front of me. The object was a phone and on that phone was a picture of a certain baby bones. Frowning at the picture, I look up to see not only killer but the other three were staring at me with an expectant look.

"What? We're you hoping to get some type of reaction out of me by showing me this?" I questioned before throwing the phone at killer, earning a yelp from him when he couldn't dodge in time. "Oh come on boss, we know you miss him! We may have never met the kid but ink keeps going on and on about him whenever we fight and we all know you have some sort of connection with him. I mean what is he to you? Your kid?-" killer said before cutting off when a tendril zipped pass, barely cutting his cheek. "Enough. Get out before I decide to throw you into the void." I snapped out as I watched killer grumble before leaving, the others following after while casting me concerned glances.

Once the door to my office closed, I let out a long tired sigh as I stared back down at the book I was reading. "It seems I'll be paying sci a visit soon." I quietly said to myself before closing the book shut, a small-almost unnoticeable grin rising to my face in anticipation for what was to come.

Have an awesome day and night!


Nightmare misses faultless.

Nightmare wants to see his child.

Nightmare is in a bad mood.

Nightmare can't wait to force- I mean ask, sci to help him.

Lapse is collecting all of the marbles.

(For those who don't know or remember, Lapse and faultless are at night's castle.)

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