Chapter thirty two

Începe de la început

"Everything will be fine, Ciaran," she assured him.

"Let me go, now!" he shouted after her as she left. "You must not do that! Amaya!'

Amaya sat in the darkness of her chambers. She couldn't sleep. It had been several days since she last closed her eyes and allowed the dreams to pull her into their realm. She was impatiently waiting to see if her plan would work. She couldn't afford to fail. She didn't want to lose Ciaran. She was tormented by the idea that every beat of his heart could be the last.

The room immediately cooled down. The cold crawled over her body. Her breath could be seen in the air. Amaya turned to the creature that had visited her. Her skin was sickly gray. A tattered white dress hung on her bony body. Thin, white hair fell in her face. Her cheekbones jutted out until they seemed to cut through her fragile skin. Her eyes were white, empty. Every time she took a step, she seemed like she was going to fall to the ground.

"Your offer has been declined." A husky voice came out of her mouth.

When she heard those words, she was overcome with terror. That was exactly what she had been worried about all those days.

"Why?" she didn't understand.

"Fate decreed that King Mael was destined to die even without your intervention. His sacrifice was rejected," said Keres.

"I'll find someone else," Amaya insisted. "You can't take him from me. I will find you a thousand other souls."

"You've softened, Amaya," Keres said. "You care about that person."

"Yes," Amaya admitted. "And that's why I'm begging you not to take him from me."

"Your feelings for that person will not change his fate. Death is calling him to her." Keres refused her.

"She called me too, and we managed to find an agreement with my Keres." she showed her her signs. "I can certainly come to an agreement with you as well. What is the price?"

"I'm not your Keres," she retorted. "I will not make any unsaintly deals with you. Only because it's you, Amaya, I'll give you time to say goodbye to him, but as soon as the sun rises above the horizon, he'll die.''

"No." Amaya refused to accept it. "You won't take him from me. I won't let you do that. No."

"Used to you would kill him yourself."

"But now I'm going to kill you to save him," she said, drawing her dagger at her.

You might think that Keres would be weak just because she look so frail, but they actually had great strength. She flung her across the room with a swift movement. Amaya crashed into a stone pillar. It took her breath away. However, she did not let herself be stopped. Fury burned in her, a lust for blood that she suppressed for a long time. She let it out. She let go of the chain. She rose to her feet and rushed at Keres with fierce anger. Keres cut her skin with her sharp claws, deep into her flesh, but her wounds healed instantly. She couldn't die. Nothing could hurt her. Amaya's dagger hit her. The whiteness of her dress was stained by her black blood.

Despite Amaya's determination and motivation to protect what she holds most dear, despite her nature as a bloodthirsty monster, Keres was stronger. She pulled her to the ground. She was banging her head on the floor. Amaya's eyes became blurry. Keres grabbed her by the neck. She dug her claws into her skin. She tightened her grip. She denied her air.

"You don't deserve the honor the gods have given you," Keres told her. "You don't deserve your life."

Amaya felt her claws cut into her skin. She felt the blood running down her neck.

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