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*a couple days later*

Eli ate his Honey Barbecue chips as he watched Amp on his phone. He was currently on his break at work. But he suddenly got distracted by hearing a familiar voice whine.

"But Aiden it wasn't my fault, I didn't see the glass" Yasmine said coming into the shop pouting.

"I don't wanna hea it Trué, this is like yo 3rd tire in 2 months, tf are you doing" Tone somewhat fussed at her. Tone was going to fix it anyways he just wanted her to be a little bit more aware of the things she runs over.

Yasmine held a pout on her face. "Go ova der, imma change it when I get done wit dis one" Tone told her sighing. Yasmine walked to where Eli was and he opened his arms and she sat on his lap and hugged him as she pouted.

"What happened ma" Eli asked her rubbing her back.

"I ran over some glass and Tone is mad at me because he said this is like my 3rd tire in 2 months, but I didn't see the glass and he was yelling at me" Yasmine said frowning. Yasmine most definitely did not like being yelled at, it just didn't sit right with her.

"You gon be Igh" he told her chucking. Every since the night of the party, they've been talking a little bit but not too much. Eli had Yasmine sore for a couple of days.

Tone walked in and Yasmine rolled her eyes at him. Tone looked at her. "Girl idgaf bout you rollin yo eyes, I can do it too" he told her rolling his eyes and snapping his fingers.

"Whatever Aiden" she told him

"My daddy told me to tell y'all that he's having a cookout so show y'all faces, imma let y'all know when" Yasmine told them

"Mmh, we can pull up" Tone said speaking for both him and Eli as Eli didn't pay them no attention because he was watching YouTube.

Tone went and fixed on Yasmines car. Yasmine had a 2016 4 door black Dodge challenger. She had yellow exterior on the bottom front. She also had the windows tinted, every time she pulled up somewhere people thought it was a boy driving it. BUT nope it was a thick booty bitch.
*2 weeks later*


Yasmine walked around her house looking bad. She had bags under her eyes and she was sick. Her stomach was cramping and she had a pounding headache.

Then on top of that everything she ate, she threw up. While on the outside of her house, her parents threw a party. Yasmine texted her mom and asked her if she could bring her some food that her dad cooking on the grill.

Yasmine sat on the couch with a blanket and watched 13 reasons why. Soon enough her mother walked through the patio door with a plate of food and went inside the kitchen to complete Yassy's plate.

When her mother Maria walked in the living room she sat on the couch and handed Yassy the food.

"Awwe mi hija, you look bad"Maria told Yasmine as she handed her the plate of food

"Ik mommy I feel bad" Yasmine said as she started eating her baked beans. Yasmine mother placed her hand on Yasmine stomach and it felt hard.

"mi bebé sea honesta wimme" Maria told Yasmine sternly. Yasmine body froze as she took a big swallow and nodded her head as her mother stared at her intensely.

(My baby, be honest wimme)

"Has estado teniendo sexo?"
(Have you been having sex)

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