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19 years ago:

I fired the guards in front of the warehouse and entered alone carrying just a  heavy machine gun and a pistol not even trying to be discreet. I was in a rage that matched the Amazon forest fire shooting everyone I saw before they could even react. My mission was clear - to confront the one responsible for the destruction of my family and my heart.

I entered the main room covered in crimson. He sat there, nonchalant, surrounded by bottles of bourbon and my dear friend Andrew. Despite seeing me first, Andrew's expression didn't offer any assurance of whose side he was on, leaving me further unsettled., He looked at Andrew then he turned around to see me, his drunk eyes locked into mine but it wasn't like it used to be. It felt like a chilling emptiness like we were the only two in the room but Those sparkling sapphire eyes I used to adore looked dull, I couldn't see home in them anymore It wasn't filled with love it was the opposite, I was hurt and confused  I couldn't ignore the fact that I carried his child within me. But the pain he had caused, the betrayal, and the loss of everything I held dear overshadowed any intention to hurt him physically. Instead, I yearned for the truth, an explanation for the horrors inflicted upon my family.

But then It hit me, he knew. He knew about everything his family, his people, had done to mine. He had manipulated my love, using it as a tool to destroy those I held closest to my heart. The weight of that realization crushed me, knowing that the one who professed his heart to be mine was the same person who orchestrated our downfall. He used my love to get to them and now they are gone. Everyone is gone. And he was never there. I dropped the machine gun, grasping my pistol tightly, my fingers trembling with a mix of anger and pain.
He once said his heart was mine. Now I wanted it, in my hand. not in a metaphorical sense but in a tangible, life-and-death situation.

I aimed my pistol directly at his chest, determined to make him feel the pain he had inflicted on me. But, he retaliated, pointing his gun toward me, mirroring my intent.

The atmosphere crackled with tension as the two of us stood, guns drawn, neither willing to back down. A symphony of emotions played out between us - betrayal, loss, love, and anger - intertwining in a deadly dance. It was a standoff where the outcome was uncertain, where a single pull of the trigger could change everything.

In the midst of this deadly confrontation, one question echoed in my mind - Would justice be served, or would the cycle of revenge consume us both?
19 years later...

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