Chapter 7 - Love In Lies -

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Authors note:
-update:(revamped) September 12-

Kiara's POV:

In the vibrant city of our inheritance
Zion Mercy Black, Mercy in short as he dispises his first name, my 24-year-old older brother, nothing less than a prince of our city and the heir to the Black empire.

Most people believe he's the first child from Xavier Black's initial marriage, and that Raelyn is the second. But the truth is, he and I are the rightful heirs to the Black family legacy Although I might be the second in line, being five years younger than Mercy, I am legitimate, not a fabricated offspring as they want me to be.

Ever since I was born, I was 'swapped' with Lela to protect her true identity. All these lies and secrets just to make sure no one knows the truth about Raelyn Black started with the
-treaty of silence-
Between the Reyes and the black, Avelyn Reyes had some sort of power over him to make him do such to his own daughter, he had no choice but to deceive everyone, introducing me as the child of his second wife who had passed away during childbirth.

My father told me about all of this to avoid any mishaps to the story if someone asked me as I started junior high school...I've never quite understood why I had to live this way, deceiving everyone, when it wasn't what I wanted.

When I came into this world, Lela took my place, and I was seen as a mistake by a woman I never knew. Who actually never existed and my father as a cheater to a woman he poured his heart for.

And my mother...Avianna Rae Black never got any say in this arrangement either, Mercy was the closest to her even after he left for London with Lela and her friends to mostly protect her but also to pursue his studies.

I was here. With my mother as she was diagnosed with cancer, I saw her fade away day by day and Mercy didn't even know until the last of her days that she was ill but after he did get to know He lost his brightness with as our mother faded and he grew dark with time.

He wasn't told because he would leave Lela and come back here to look after his mother and that wasn't safe For Her, I don't hate Lela but she's never made me love her either.

"Kiara, are you okay?" Blade asked, taking a deep breath. "Yes, yeah, but you know, Mercy," I replied, trying to catch my breath.

After witnessing Mercy with Lela and Natalia at the bar, I just ran away, completely forgetting about Blade, who followed me. No one knew about me and Blade except my girlfriend's yet and I wanted to tell both my father and my brother together..but Blade wasn't ready to do that yet...

I don't think he's sure about me but I hope he's because I'm head over heels in love with him I just don't know how to tell him while he isn't even confirming that he is interested.

"It's all good, but wow, you're fast. I think I should start cardio again," he said, sighing. Luckily, he didn't seem suspicious, perhaps he was accustomed to my clumsy behavior.

"Well, maybe I should make you chase after me more often," I teased, offering him a small smile.

"Or maybe we could do cardio together?" he suggested with a grin. That was smooth. "You Idiot," I playfully remarked, biting my lip to hide my smile. "Wanna race to the car?"

"Nah," he casually replied, which was a bit disappointing. "How about you watch me win?" he challenged before sprinting toward the car. "Hey, not fair!" I protested, rushing after him.

"See, I won," he declared with a pleased grin. "No, you cheated," I pouted.

"Well," he said, putting his arm around my waist, and turning me toward the car. He softly kissed me while holding my neck gently with his other hand. "Maybe," he said softly after breaking the kiss. I could feel my face turning red, and I'm sure he noticed. Come on, Kiara. "It's not a did cheat, but" I paused as he looked into my eyes, "but it's okay," I finished, knowing he was all focused on my eyes.

He kissed the top of my head which made me feel like thousands of butterflies just escaped through my body. "You're so beautiful, Kiara, you're like my heaven on earth, My angel. You know, I might just be in love with you," he confessed. His words were sweet, and it was all I wanted to hear. They provided the reassurance I was craving but they also filled me with guilt. He had no idea who I really was, that I was pretending to be in a family which was with his enemy.

It wasn't fair to him.

"I might just be in love with you too, Blade," I replied placing a kiss on his lips.

"I might just be in love with you too, Blade," I replied placing a kiss on his lips

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My golden couple -Blade and Kiara-

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My golden couple -Blade and Kiara-

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