Ch20: Blitz

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Our dreadnought drops out of hyperspace to the sight of a starship graveyard surrounding the planet. It seems Kailey didn't even consider taking any of their ships for ourselves. Can't complain though.

Avril: We're not detecting a large ground presence from our forces but those that are there are being pinned down by the local populace despite our air superiority.

Me: Let's hear what Kailey has to say before making any decisions.

She nods and has the communications officer open a channel to Kailey's flagship. She immediately accepts and begins relaying the current status of the operation. 

We've already secured the system and blocked all communications save for our own but despite initial success in landing troops on the surface using the Gage transport ships, the Imperial Governor managed to stir the people into fighting by fabricating evidence stating that our forces stole their precious idol.

Avril: Based on prior intelligence, the Stenax are an extremely violent race. I'd even go as far as to say they are more warlike than the Sith.

Me: Oh?

Avril: If they've declared total war on our forces it might be best to withdraw from the planet altogether and try to resolve the issue from orbit.

Me: What a nice way to suggest we bomb their planet till nothing it left.

She chuckles but reiterates that might be necessary regardless if our forces remain pinned down like they currently are.

Me: How many Sith do we have onboard?

Avril: Currently around 50 or so. Most are still on Korriban or Dromund Kaas or otherwise deployed amongst the fleet with the majority assisting Thrawn per his request.

Me: Have those on board meet me in the hangar. We'll be going down to the planet's surface. You can have Kailey meet me there as well.

Bo-Katan: Were you planning on leaving without telling me?

Me: Lady Kryze...

Bo-Katan: Shae made me swear on my life that I'd keep you safe. Surely you-

Me: You can come if you want. Avril, tell Lassa when she inevitably awakes and starts looking for me that she isn't to follow us.

Avril: Yes, Your Majesty. Good luck.

I nod as I leave with my escort (Bo-Katan). I find it funny how Shae has managed to rope her entire civilization into effectively operating as my personal guards. Sure, I understand them being grateful for my saving their people but surely there is a limit to gratitude! 

In any case, as we dive towards the planet none of that matters. Dipping through the clouds, we're approaching the front lines when we suddenly come under fire. Javelins hurl past our fighters as we break through the clouds to reveal a massive battle taking place. To the 8,000 men we have on the ground, there must be over 300,000 Stenax rushing them from all sides.

Kailey's fleet's airwings have been working overtime to keep the enemy at bay but their sheer numbers see them battering against our frontlines despite being mowed down while under heavy fire. 

Bo-Katan: There!

She points at a Stenax getting ready to fire a rocket-propelled munition at one of our artillery batteries. I open fire, gunning him down along with those near him before breaking away and landing a safe distance within our lines. I'm joined by the other Sith who immediately jump into action, cutting down Stenax after Stenax and managing to stabilise the front thanks to the effective surprise counterattack.

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