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Sultana's POV

I rolled my eyes.
'Some people overreact too much.' I thought. At once, I heard a voice telling me to thank God for being alive after such an accident.

I was still wondering what Joanne was doing there. Anyways, I knew that my mother won't ever let me into a public vehicle again. I just hope that she won't stop my fellowship.

Talking about fellowship, the last time I attended, the minister told us to have a deep relationship with the Holy Spirit. I wasn't really listening. It was strange though.

My parents never told me anything about the Holy spirit. It's not like we even have our devotions together. Families differ. My relationship with God had always been personal. I'm sure that in some families, there is spiritual growth as a family.

How I got born again was really ironic. My parents travelled with my brother for one official registration or something. I was left to stay with my older cousin, then, nineteen year old Jude. At night, he invited some of his friends, both male and female to his apartment to drink alcohol, wine and to smoke.

Then, he locked me in his bedroom. It had a balcony. I was bored and felt like I needed freedom too. I jumped. It was a bad decision to make but, I was just nine or ten. I jumped.

I ran to the streets. I felt like someone was following me, so, I  entered the nearest building. It happened to be a church. I stayed there since there was no program on and it was chilly outside. Unknown to me, a pastor saw me and approached me.

PASTOR: Hello. What brings you here at this time?

ME: I... I... I d- don't know.

PASTOR: Calm down dear.

He smiled.

He called a lady who I later knew to be his wife.

They asked me some questions. I answered innocently. I told them that my parents had money but, they didn't love me. That was my assumption then. Later, as I grew older, like one or two years after and as my sicknesses worsened, my parents and brother began to care for me specially.

So, they prayed for me and preached the gospel to me.

THE PASTOR'S WIFE: You can be whoever you want to be with the help of Christ. He is the only true light. He loves you and he wants you to love him too. He died to remove sicknesses and death from your life. He gave his life for you and all he just wants from you is for you to give your life to him.

I drew a sharp breath when I heard 'give your life to him' luckily, the Pastor explained to me.

PASTOR: You don't have to worry. It won't cause you pain or danger. It will only give you peace, long life, love and joy.

I smiled. I needed love.

I was led to Christ that day.
My words were; 'LORD, thank you for your love, I'm sorry for lying, stealing, disobedience, evil thoughts and for sneaking out of brother Jude's house. I want a new life in you and I need your love. I accept you to be my Saviour and Lord. Thank you for saving my soul.'

Tears clouded my eyes when I felt peace and love warm my heart. I rubbed off the tears that escaped.

Since then, I had been reading my Bible and participating in church services despite my health condition. I grew more to know Jesus and God but I was never really keen about the Holy Spirit.

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