Ch17: The Battle of Mandalore

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As planned, Avril's fleet drops out of hyperspace effectively right on top of the enemy, opening fire the second they've slowed down. The quick attack decimates the lead star destroyers and with the sheer amount of firepower our dreadnoughts carry these lead ships are virtually immediately destroyed.

 The quick attack decimates the lead star destroyers and with the sheer amount of firepower our dreadnoughts carry these lead ships are virtually immediately destroyed

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Surprisingly, unlike the large navy Djin and Lassa had reported leaving behind, the enemy only had several star destroyers to defend with. It's easy to see that they thought the battle against the Mandalorians had already been won as these ships hardly had any supporting craft with them, each star destroyer only having a single squadron of fighters to support them.

We don't even need the rest of our fleet to arrive to finish them off.

By the time the rest of our fleet begins arriving, we already have established our own blockade of the planet and with us expecting reinforcements to arrive for the enemy, we begin moving our ships into position with half the fleet defending again...

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By the time the rest of our fleet begins arriving, we already have established our own blockade of the planet and with us expecting reinforcements to arrive for the enemy, we begin moving our ships into position with half the fleet defending against a potential planetary breakout while the rest focus on defence against an enemy fleet.

Thrawn's ship arrives last, as per the plan. He seems shocked that there are no enemies to fight through but quickly gets to work carrying out his part of the plan and as his airwing dips into the atmosphere, Avril allocates four divisions from the rest of the fleet to assist them.

The battle on the planet is quick and decisive. Our combined efforts more than managed to halt the bombing campaigns in their tracks while our ground forces landed and helped clear out the remaining enemy forces.

For the most part, the enemies force consisted largely of droids that had seemingly been programmed to exterminate anything not identified as an ally given they immediately attack our forces. The men working with them also begin attacking the second they take note of my men's presence but with complete control over the sky and constant air support we're able to clear out even the most tenacious cells, ensuring that not even the equipment they brought along for the battle survives.

Surprisingly, apart from the arrival of another three star destroyers which were promptly destroyed, there are no additional reinforcements. It's as though they gave up trying to reclaim the system on short notice. 

Lassa: Your Majesty, this is Lady Bo-Katan Kryze. 

I'm on our capital ship as it hovers over the capital city of Mandalore. The other ships within the fleet have already begun the evacuation and so far the people have complied, already seeing that they were about to be wiped out when we came in and saved them. Now, Bo-Katan is kneeling before me, placing the dark saber at my feet.

Me: I was of the impression that it needed to be won in combat.

Bo-Katan: I-

Me: Keep it.

Bo-Katan: But-

Me: My reign isn't so fragile as to depend on a relic from a bygone era.

Her eyes widen in shock before shifting to a look of embarrassment. Beside me, Shae smiles as she walks forward and offers her a hand. Bo-Katan looks at it, hesitantly at first, before taking the support as she gets to her feet.

Shae: You'll learn rather quickly, Kryze. The only thing our Empress cares for is your loyalty and your strength.

Lady Kryze's eyes search Shae's as if trying to discern whether she is telling the truth or not before smiling.

Bo-Katan: Then I pledge both. I shall not forget what you've done for my people, Your Majesty.

Me: I look forward to finding out which of you are better.

At that Shae scoffs and even Bo-Katan agrees that debate is a foregone conclusion, stating that Shae is years ahead of her in combat ability which I suppose is only fair given Shae had been brought up in a time far more deadly than this.

Avril: The last of the surviving populace are being loaded onto the transport ships, Your Majesty.

Me: Excellent timing. Once everyone's onboard, we'll set off for Dromund Kaas.

Bo-Katan: Dromund Kaas?

Me: Our capital and your new home.

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