Part 22 ~ Training

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George was in the training grounds again the next morning.

He was training with a sword and he seemed focused.

He was practicing cutting a mannequin, and he was doing it quickly and efficiently.

Eventually, he paused and he took a deep breath.

"Not bad." He said quietly. "I guess I'm still a little rusty, though."

Suddenly, he saw someone walking towards him. It was Dream.

George smiled slightly, but then he became slightly curious.

"Well, hello. What are you doing here?" He asked.

"Good morning! I just thought I'd drop by and see how you were doing." Dream said, and he smiled.

"I'm doing well." George said. "I was just practicing."

"Oh, yes. I see." Dream said. "Do you mind if I watch for a moment?" He asked.

"Of course not!" George said. "Go ahead."

Dream smiled and then he went over to watch George train.

Dream stood next to George as he continued to practice with the sword.

He watched his movements and he didn't say anything for a few moments.

Eventually, he spoke up again.

"Could I.. Try something?" He asked.

George turned to face Dream. "Sure, go ahead." He said.

Dream took the sword from George, and then he started to practice with it himself.

After a few minutes, he stopped and he handed the sword back to George.

"What do you think?" Dream asked.

"Very good." George said. "You're quick and precise."

"Thanks." Dream said, and he smiled again.

"Not at the same level as you though." He added quickly.

"Of course not." George said. "I've been training for this for years."

"Oh, I know." Dream said. "I just.. I think you're really good."

George blushed slightly and he looked away. "Thank you." He said, quietly.

"Of course." Dream said, and he put his arm over George's shoulder.

"So, what were you practicing for today?" Dream asked.

"Well, I have a battle coming up." George said. "So, I'm just trying to make sure I'm ready."

"That sounds exciting." Dream said. "Well, I'm sure you'll do great."

George smiled again and then he looked at Dream.

"Do you have anything else you have to do today?" He asked.

"No, nothing." Dream said.

Suddenly, a maid walked up towards them.

"Your majesty.." The maid started to say, but she stopped when she saw George.

"Yes?" Dream said, and he turned to face the maid.

"Ah, yes. Well, there's something.. I'm not sure if it's important, but.." The maid said, and then she was silent for a moment.

"What is it..?" Dream asked.

"Well, I, um.. You see.. I found a letter with your name on it this morning." She said.

Dream was silent for a moment and then he nodded.

"Ah, that's right." Dream said. "I was supposed to be receiving a letter today. Is it from someone important?" He asked.

The maid nodded, and then she handed the letter to Dream.

Dream took the letter and then he looked it over. "It's an invitation to a ball.. This evening..." He said quietly, and he looked over at George.

"An invitation to a ball this evening.. Do you want to go?" Dream asked him.

George seemed suprised for a moment as he looked at Dream.

"A ball this.. Evening?" He asked. "Well.. Yes, sure. If you don't mind going."

"Of course not." Dream said. "We should dress up, though. The invitation said to wear our best clothes."

"Oh, of course." George said. "I'll go and get ready, then."

"I'll see you later?" Dream asked.

"Yes. See you later." George said, and he started to walk away.

Dream watched George walk away, and then he looked at the invitation again.

It was an invitation to a ball.. It was happening that evening, and according to the letter it was expected to be a pretty formal event.

He could use a break from the palace walls, after all.

He went back into the palace, and then he went to get ready for the ball.

Dream went to his chambers in the palace, and he started to get ready for the ball.

He put on some fancy clothes, and he made sure he looked as nice as possible.

After some time, he was finally ready. He looked in the mirror and he thought that he looked pretty good.

"I guess I'm going to the ball then." He said to himself, and he smiled slightly.

Dream left his chamber and he started to walk towards where the ball was being hosted.


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