Part 8 ~ Paranoid

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"It's okay, it's okay.." Drista's voice seemed to come from inside his own head, calming him and letting him release his pain.

"It's alright, I'll always be with you.." she continued. "Remember, you're never alone..."

Dream slowly lowered the blade, and for a few moments, he just breathed.

The thoughts were still swirling through his mind, but this time, they no longer felt so crippling.

He felt like he was going to cry, but at the same time, he felt an overwhelming feeling of peace and comfort.

"What are you doing?" Dream heard a quiet voice asking, but he did not look up.

He knew who it was even without looking: he knew it deep in his heart.

It was Drista. It must be.

"It's.. it's alright, Drista.." Dream whispered, trying to keep his voice from breaking.

"Don't worry, I don't want to do anything wrong. I just.. just needed the pain to go away for a moment..."

The voice stayed silent, and Dream wondered if it was his imagination, or if Drista really was there.

"Dream, don't hurt yourself like that."

Dream slowly sat up, looking around him to see if anyone was there.

But yet again, he could see no one. Still, he could hear Drista's voice in his head, so vividly and clearly.

"Drista..?" he whispered, his voice shaking slightly.

"I'm here.. I'm with you."

She wasn't lying, Dream was sure. He could feel her presence, her warmth and her comfort.

"I can't see you..." he whispered, his voice cracking.

"But I can see you," Drista replied, her voice soothing. "I'm here, I promise."

"But... how do I know you're not just in my head..?" Dream whispered.

"Do you feel me?" Drista asked gently.

He paused for a moment, and then slowly, he nodded. At first, he hadn't felt anything, but now... he could feel her presence. He could feel her holding him, taking all of his pain with her.

"Oh, Dream.." Drista whispered. "It's alright."

"You hate me tho." he cried out.

"I don't hate you.." Drista whispered, her voice quiet but reassuring.

"But.." Dream mumbled, feeling his thoughts get foggy. "I failed.. didn't I..?"

"It's okay.." Drista continued, but her words didn't seem to be reaching him. Instead, he could feel the darkness and the self-hatred consuming him again.

"Everything I wanted... everyone I let down.. it's all my fault.. I should have never been born.." he said quietly, as tears streamed down his cheek.

Suddenly Sapnap burst in threw the door. And Drista's voice disappeared.

"Dream?!" Sapnap cried, and suddenly, he was there at Dream's side, gently grabbing Dream's wrists and taking the razor away.

"What.. what the hell are you doing..?" he muttered, his voice filled with shock at the sight of Dream's wounds.

Dream tried to pull away. "It was just for a moment.. I just needed the pain to stop for a second.."

Sapnap looked at him, his face filled with worry. He couldn't believe what he was seeing: had Dream really sunk this low?

"Sapnap, please..." Dream muttered, trying to pull away from Sapnap with all of his might. "Just.. just leave me alone right now.."

Sapnap didn't budge, though, his grip on Dream's wrists just tightening.

He couldn't bear to see his friend in this state, hurting himself.

"Dream, look at me.. look at me."

Dream slowly turned his gaze up, his eyes now flooding with tears once again.

Sapnap stared down at him, and after a few moments, he opened his arms. "Come here.."

"No.. no.." Dream whispered, starting to panic. "Sapnap, please don't touch me.. don't touch me."

Sapnap hesitated, his expression torn between wanting to comfort Dream and wanting to respect his boundaries.

Then, he sighed and stepped forward, pulling Dream into a gentle hug.

"It's okay, it's okay.." he whispered, trying to comfort Dream. "I'm here, I'm here."

Slowly, Dream started to relax in Sapnap's arms, the tension leaving his body as he allowed himself to be comforted.

Sapnap held Dream close for a few moments, and after a while, he could feel Dream's body shaking slightly.

"I'm... I'm sorry.." Dream whispered, wiping the tears of his cheeks. "I don't know what I'm doing, I really don't. I think I'm going crazy.."

Sapnap didn't respond, just held him close. He knew that no words could fix this situation.

All he could do was be there for Dream, and try to be a source of comfort.

And slowly, the tremors in Dream's body began to die down.

"I miss her.." Dream moaned, his voice filled with emotion. "I miss her so much.. I wish I could've done more."

"But you did your best, Dream.." Sapnap said gently, pulling him a bit closer. "You know that.. right?"

"I wish I could've done more.." Dream continued, his voice soft and quiet.

"But Drista loved you, and you know that, right?" Sapnap responded.

"I wish it could've been enough.." Dream responded and buried his face in Sapnap's shoulder.

"But it was enough, Dream.." Sapnap whispered, rubbing Dream's back.

Dream could feel the weight of everything in him just.. crumble away.

He still missed Drista terribly, and her death continued to tear him apart. But in that moment, he realized that Sapnap was right: his sister had loved him, despite everything.

She always believed in him. She was always there for him, and she had never, ever stopped loving him.

"Oh, Drista.." he whispered quietly. "I love you.. I've always loved you."


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