Part 1 ~ Meet

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It was a bright and sunny day in an old and grand palace.

In one corner of the palace, the young heir apparent, Prince Dream, was sitting on a comfortable couch, surrounded by his tutors and advisors.

He was a handsome boy, with piercing green eyes and a mischievous smile. However, today he appeared to be in a rather foul mood.

"Tch, this is so boring!" Dream complained, kicking his feet in the air. "I'm bored of learning all these boring lessons."

"I want to have some fun!" Dream continued. "I want to go out and explore the palace gardens, or go hunting in the nearby forest. I don't want to sit in these stuffy classrooms all day."

His tutors and advisors exchanged glances, clearly disapproving of his antics.

"Prince Dream," one of them spoke up. "It is your duty to learn and train, so that one day you may be a good and honorable ruler. You cannot just ignore your responsibilities and do as you please."

Dream let out a dramatic sigh, before folding his arms and sulking. He was certainly acting like a stubborn child, but he couldn't help it.

He was tired of being cooped up in the palace, surrounded by tutors and advisers who only cared about him becoming the perfect ruler.

"Can't you just allow me to enjoy my youth for a little while?" Dream pleaded. "There must be a way for me to have some fun while also learning and fulfilling my responsibilities as a prince. Can't I have both?"

Dream's tutors sighed, realizing that the young prince was going to be a handful.

The chief advisor spoke up, trying to appease Dream's wish for some entertainment without jeopardizing his duties as the heir apparent.

"Prince Dream, what if we make a compromise?" the advisor suggested. "You can have some of your time allotted for lessons and training, but you can also have some time set aside for your own personal enjoyment. How does that sound?"

Dream perked up at the proposal, feeling a spark of hope.

"That... that sounds perfect!"


After a few hours of lessons and training, Prince Dream was finally able to have some respite for his weary self. He was sitting on a cozy chair, quietly reading a book.

However, it wasn't long before the peace was interrupted by a sudden knock on the door.

"Come in," Dream called out, setting his book aside.

The door opened, revealing a young servant boy named George. Carrying a tray of freshly brewed tea, George approached the prince and bowed gently.

"Prince Dream," George spoke quietly, placing the tray on a nearby table. "I hope I'm disturbing you."

"Not at all," Dream replied with a smile. "I was getting a bit drowsy from the hours of studying. A cup of tea will do me well."

As George poured the tea into a cup, Dream watched him with interest. He had always been curious about the servants around the palace, and he was particularly curious about George.

"Can I ask you something, George?" Dream enquired as he took a sip of his tea.

"Of course, Prince Dream," George responded in a gentle voice. "Ask me anything you wish."

Dream thought for a moment before asking, "I don't see any other servants wearing the distinctive clothing that you are wearing. Are you part of a different branch of the palace servants?"

Curiosity was burning in Dream's eyes as he awaited George's answer.

George blushed slightly as he responded, "That is correct, Prince Dream. I am not a typical servant. I'm part of a special branch of the palace servants, devoted entirely to the care and protection of Your Highness."

Hearing this, Dream couldn't help but smile. This explained why George was always so well-dressed and meticulous, not a single strand out of place.

He was dedicated solely to serving the prince, which made him stand out from all the other servants around.

"I'm curious, George," Dream continued. "How long have you been serving me?"

George bowed slightly before responding, "I have been serving you for a year now, Prince Dream."

Dream was surprised by this revelation. He had never paid much attention to the other servants at the palace, but now he found himself becoming more and more intrigued by George.

"And tell me, George," Dream inquired. "Do you enjoy serving me?"

George nodded, his eyes shining with pride as he spoke. "Serving you is an honor I am grateful for every single day, Prince Dream. You are the future of the kingdom. It is my pleasure and duty to aid you in any way that I can."

Hearing this, Dream felt a surge of affection for George. He smiled warmly and thanked him for his devotion.

Although they were only servant and master, they had forged a strong bond over the past year.

And George's presence always brought a spark of warmth into Dream's life.


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