Part 4 ~ Voices

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Time passed, and days turned into weeks and then months, Dream had also moved into his bestfriend's (Sapnap) apartment.

Dream grew used to his new life as Prince of Nothing - he had lost all the privileges and recognition that came with his former title.

But more than that, it was the feeling that his father felt betrayed by him that stung the most.

He tried to visit the King and apologize again, but each time he was turned away by the castle guards.

One night, Dream sat in his small room, his face cast in shadows.

He was feeling particularly lonely and sad that evening, missing the comfort of his father's protection and approval.

Dream thought back to the day his life changed forever - how he had felt a mix of relief and heartbreak at his father's decision.

Relief, because his secret was out in the open and it didn't matter anymore.

Heartbreak, because he had lost everything that he was supposed to inherit as the heir apparent - the kingdom, his title, and his family.

But there was something else that Dream had lost, something that he hadn't even understood until now.

He had lost his hope. The hope that he could be happy, that he could find someone to love, and that he could live his own life.

Dream slowly made his way to the bathroom, his steps dragging and his eyes hollow.

He stared at his reflection in the mirror, but it was like looking at a stranger.

He didn't see the prince that everyone had once admired, but someone empty inside.

As he stood there in front of the mirror, he felt his lips begin to quiver. Then tears started to fall down his cheeks.

And soon, he was crying, the sound of his sobs filling the bathroom. He couldn't understand what he was feeling - was it anger or sorrow? He didn't know anymore.

Dream sank to the floor, the floorboards creaking beneath him. His legs were too weak to hold him, and all the emotions welling inside him were too overwhelming.

He curled into a ball on the bathroom floor, his eyes closing as he tried to drown out all the voices and thoughts inside him.

He tried to escape his thoughts that way, but as he lay there, the voices grew louder and louder.

They were telling him that he would never find love, that he would never be a good King, that he was a failure. He tried to fight back, but he was too tired.

As the voices screamed at him, Dream could feel his mind being pulled deeper and deeper into the darkness.

He was afraid, but he didn't fight it.

The darkness was welcoming him with open arms, and all he wanted to do now was to surrender and let himself be consumed by it.

Then, he felt a hand on his shoulder. A gentle, warm touch, comforting him in the dark.

"Dream.. Dream, are you okay?"

A voice cut through the darkness, pulling him back to reality. He opened his eyes to see a familiar face.

The touch belonged to Sapnap, Dream's faithful companion and best friend since childhood.

Sapnap stared down at him with a look of worry, his expression gentle yet concerned.

He was a few years older than Dream, but at this very moment, Dream felt as if he were a child again, in need of comfort and reassurance.

Sapnap's touch was like a warm, cozy blanket around him, drawing him back from the darkness that had almost consumed him.

"Dream, mate, what's wrong?" Sapnap asked, his voice full of concern. "I heard you crying from downstairs."

"I-I'm alright, Sapnap," Dream responded, trying to get up slowly.

He felt so weak and tired, his voice a little strangled.

He wanted to tell Sapnap what was wrong, but he couldn't. Not yet.

He wasn't ready, and he wasn't sure if he could face his own emotions again any time soon.

"Yeah, it's.. it's fine," Dream fumbled. "I'm alright.. I'm just.. tired, that's all."

Sapnap didn't push any further, and just helped Dream to his feet.

He looked at Dream with a look of concern, but he knew better than to force him to talk when he didn't want to.

"Do you want me to stay with you?" he asked gently. "Or if you want, I can-"

"No, it's fine, Sap," Dream cut off, trying to give his friend a small smile. "You should go back to bed, it's late. I'm okay, really. I'll be alright."

Sapnap just nodded slowly, his expression still filled with worry.

"Alright.. if you say so," he responded, sounding reluctant. "Just.. yeah, call me if you need me, alright?"

"Yeah, sure," Dream said. He didn't want Sapnap to leave him alone, but that's what he asked.

So, he just had to accept it, even if it made him uneasy. And it did.

"Okay, good." Sapnap said, turning to leave. "Get some sleep, yeah?"

Dream just gave Sapnap a small nod, and then watched as his best friend left the room to go back to his own bed.

He couldn't sleep though. He lay in bed, his mind filled with the events of the past few months and his uncertain future.

What kind of life would he lead now? What was the meaning of it all? Why was he even still here?

The voices from before came back slowly, filling him with doubt and confusion.

He tried to fight them back, but they were too strong. Finally, as his eyes closed, he fell into a haunted sleep.


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