"Ok lets go"

I got Makyla dressed and we left.

When we got to the store Chris stayed in the car and me and Makyla went into the store.I was walking when I heard somebody call my name.

"Hey Camil"

"Oh my god hey Trav"i said giving him a hug

"Hey,how are you"

"Im good,where you been"

"In Atlanta for a while,so who baby is this"he said playing with Makyla's hand

'This is my niece Makyla she is Alex daughter "

"Oh where is she"

"In the hospital"

"Aw what happened"

"I don't want to get into that right now but she's fine"

"Aw ok but can I have your number so I can call you sometime"


I was putting my number in his phone when I saw Chris coming"

"Hey bae whats taking you so long"He asked walking up to me

"Look who I ran into,This is Trav,Cierra's ex"I said

"Aw whats up"He said bluntly 

"Whats up man,Well Camil I guess I will talk to you later,It was nice seeing you"

"Ok"I said giving him a hug

When we got back to the car I can tell Chris was mad,The whole car ride was silent and I just wanted to keep it that way while Makayla was in the car.

When we got to the house Chris didn't help me with the bags so I had to take Makyla In the house and put her in her car seat than get the bags.When I was done I put Makyla to sleep and sat on the couch.I heard my phone ring so I went upstairs to answer it,I looked and it was Teya so I ignored it and figure I would call her later.I saw Chris sitting on the bed and looking at me.

"You could have answered it I wasn't go get mad"

"Chris what the hell is you talking about"I said sitting across from him

"You could have answered the phone to talk to your lil nigga "

"Chris please don't start this shit"

"Im not starting shit I'm just saying"

"First of all that was Teya,Secondly  Trav is like a brother to me and last I didn't say that shit to you after you cheated on me,I don't ask you where you going all the time even though you stay out all night,I don't do none of that shit because I trust you,but I can clearly see you don't trust me"

I walked out of the room,I couldn't believe after everything we been through he don't trust me even after the shit he did. I went into the room where Makyla was and layed on the bed until her and I fell asleep.I heard Chris knock on the door.

"Babe I'm sorry,I don't know what came over me,i just don't want to lose you to anyone because I love you,please just talk to me."

"Chris just leave me alone"

"Camil please"

I didn't answer him I just sat up in the bed and just tuned him out,When I heard Chris walk away from the door,I went to the bathroom to wipe my face from the dried up tears.I walked out and saw Chris sitting on the bed with his shirt off.

"Can we talk now,please"he aasked looking up at me

I can tell he was crying,I sat next to him.

"What do we have to talk about"I asked

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