TONG : " Ahh... It is good to breathe in your glorious dragon stench again"

SISU : "Okay.. I'll take that as a compliment"

She greets them all with a warm smile and pulls them into a big hug, including Namaari who stands on the side looking apologetic. Sisu notices Namaari and welcomes her into the hug as well, bringing everyone together in joy.

All seems happy...

SISU : "Right!! We need to look for-

A terrifying and distorted scream suddenly sent waves of fear through all who heard it, immediately putting everyone on edge.

RAYA : "What was that!"

The sudden screeching sound shook everyone to their core, sending shivers down their spines and making them feel a primitive fear. The atmosphere immediately turned icy cold, causing their breaths to become visible. Even the dragons flying above heard and felt the noise, prompting them to turn their attention towards its origin. Sisu, along with a few of the dragons, rushed towards the source of the sound, and Raya and her companions quickly followed suit.

Rushing past the rubble, they nearly ran into Sisu as she suddenly stopped.

RAYA : "Sisu! What's wrong? What is it?"

She looked to see what stopped Sisu in her tracks....

It was Sand... Though looking at him felt wrong. Something was deeply unsettling about him. Also, the fact that he was struck through the chest with his spear once again, this time entering through his front and sticking him to the ground, through his back...

Dust and black smoke poured off his body eerily, and his body was unmoving against the spear that skewered him. Most who would look upon his body would say that he was dead if they didn't know him as well as the others. His skin had returned to the mummified state that it had been when she found him... maybe even worse than before.

Sisu gasped and hid her mouth at the sight... Though she had seen him like this before, it was much worse now that they were friends and were kind of close to each other.

Sisu rushed forward to help him, but Pengu quickly stopped her.

PENGU  : "SISU NO! Stay away from this monster!!"

SISU : "He's not a monster! He my friend!" She is shouts, her voice filled with sadness.

SISU : "Sand!! Sand!" She shouts to his body

It's arm twitches, and suddenly it springs to life. But not in a healthy way...

It starts an unearthly growling, clawing at the air towards Sisu with one arm, before turning its attention to the spear through its chest, keeping it pinned to the ground. It was stuck.

Everyone was horrified...

RAYA : "Sand... What's happened to you"

PENGU : "Sisu! Stop!... I don't know how you know this creature, but it's not safe" He says, holding her back

SISU : "No!!... He's my friend... It's the curse you put on him that's hurting him!"

He recoils slightly, looking surprised and remorseful, his eyes full of guilt.

PENGU : "How do you know about that?"

SISU : "He told me!... He's our friend... We rescued him from that tomb and he's been traveling with us! Please Pengu... Help him!"

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