Mi vida, can you please shut the fuck up?

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Summary: Clay and Tony get into a small disagreement and Tony says this (please look at the photo since I see him looking at Clay like this while saying it)

Wordcount: 1030 words (I know it's short 😭)

Warnings: swearing
Tony and Clay are currently fighting, but why? How did it escalate so fast? From a calm morning to a messed up little fight. Well...:

Clay's alarm went and he was about to turn around to turn it off and get out of bed, when he felt two strong arms snake around his waist and pull him back. 'Tony- we have to go, you have to go to your fight and I have college. Please let go, love.' 'No.' 'Tony, plea-' but Clay couldn't finish his sentence as Tony turned him around and kissed him to shut him up. 'Did you just kiss me to shut m-' and another kiss was planted on his lips. 'Yes, yes I am. What are you going to do about it?' 'I don't know...' Clay answered. 'I could..' he started and began to tickle his boyfriend, who let go of him and gave him a chance to escape. 'Yesssss, I won! Whooooooo, fuck yeah!!' 'You are such a child!' Tony said laughing.

Tony had decided to make breakfast, while Clay was showering. When he came down, that's when it all began. You see, Clay hadn't slept great but managed to hide it from Tony for about a month. But currently all the loss of sleep started to kick in hard and he was mad at everything. 'Tony, why do you even fight, you only get hurt.' Tony was surprised by this, Clay had never said anything about the fighting. 'Is it because you still want to fulfill Caleb's dream or something. I know you loved him more.' 'What is this about all of a sudden?' Tony was so confused. 'And why do you never help around in this house, look! It's fucking dusty in here...' Clay said as he dragged his fingers along the top of a random cabinet and looked at his fingers in disgust. 'How is that my fault?! I'm sorry that I am tired as hell when  I return from a fight? Why don't you clean it yourself. You have fucking free days, don't you!?'

End of flashback

And now we are here. ' I do have free days. TO STUDY. I don't have time to clean the whole house, I'm not some fucking housekeeper!!' Clay answers 'Then why the hell do you think I have time?!' Tony shouts back at Clay. 'Because you do rest! I just wait 'til you sleep and then I get up to continue my work. And I do not sleep or barely, I know your sleeping schedule. So I know when to get back into the bed, so you think I slept. But I don't and I have to spend more and more time on my work because it's getting more and more difficult. And I have three deadlines for today and I didn't even have the chance to start on any of them.' Clay paused, his eyes were starting to water and some tears ran down his face. 'I'm just not smart enough for this college and...'

Clay keeps mumbling bad things about himself, his IQ, his abilities, his softness and the trouble he has with being (in his words) way to fucking sensitive. 'Hey! Clay no-' but Clay doesn't listen and carries on rattling. 'Clay-' Tony tries again, he doesn't want to shout. Clay was tired and Tony wants to go for a soft approach to avoid startling his exhausted and "slightly" sensitive boyfriend. Though this didn't really work out. 'Mi vida, can you please shut the fuck up!?' Tony says a little louder than before. Clay stopped immediately and stares at Tony who's holding his shoulders. 'Please, just shut it. You are very smart, but this college is draining you. You are taking a day off.' 'I-I can't, this is not a job. This is school. I can't just take a day vacation. And what about my deadlines and-' Tony kisses Clay to shut him up again, but Clay wants to continue and Tony kisses him again. He continues this process until Clay decides to stop trying. 'Are you done with your little protest, mi amor? You look exhausted, love. Just rest for a sec while I call your college and then I'll come right up, ok?' 'Ok.' Clay says as he yawns.

A few minutes later Tony enters their room and  and says 'Well, your college says that you can take as many days off as you want and they'll extend your deadlines and help you with the things you don't understand.' 'What the hell did you tell them? They would never just give me as many free days as I need!' 'Oh wouldn't you like to know, darling?' Tony asks laughing a bit as he climbs into the bed and takes a comfortable position next to Clay. 'Clay about trying to hide things from me, you never have to pretend with me. If you need me, I'm here. And for the record, I will never love anyone more than I love you. Caleb was sweet, but I always loved you more.' You can say Clay is almost shining with happiness, he feels relaxed, comfy and warm. 'I definitely should've told you earlier...' Clay says burying his face in Tony's chest. 'And why would that be?' Tony asks while kissing Clay's forehead. 'Well, I could've saved myself some rest, but then again the more tired I am, the longer you can take care of me. AND very important, the more movies we can watch while cuddling.' 'Clay, don't you dare even thinking about doing this again. And if that means cuddling you more and watching movies during the weekend, then so be it.' 'That's a deal then.' Clay says smiling. 'Deal. Now please get some rest, I really don't want you to get another meltdown in which I have to explain AGAIN that you are my world and my life AND that I love you more than any of my other boyfriends ever.' 'Ever?' Asks Clay. 'Ever.' Reassures Tony.

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