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Summary: Tony and Clay go on their first vacation together

Word count: 1146 words

Warnings: none
Tony and Clay were about to go on their first vacation together, nothing too far away from home, but definitely not something they were familiar with. They had booked this vacation a little while ago, it was in a little cabin in the middle of nowhere. They would stay there for two weeks of their summer break.

Tony was driving and Clay was sitting next to him giving instructions, it wasn't all to difficult since they had the route on their phone, but Clay just helped out on which exact turn Tony had to take. It was currently 2 am, Clay had fallen fast asleep the moment they took off and was not tired at all since he'd woken up. However, his boyfriend had been driving the whole time, he looked absolutely exhausted. Clay saw this and asked 'Tony, love? You've been driving for the last ten hours, you look absolutely exhausted. Should I take over?' Normally Tony wouldn't let anyone touch his car, his car was his everything- wait no... Clay was his everything, his world, his life. 'If you wouldn't mind, I would love that. Giving instructions won't be that difficult.' Tony answered as he pulled over to a tanking station. 'Tony- you know damn well that you are going to sleep, I am taking over because you need rest.' Tony looked at his boyfriend 'Are you sure that you'll be okay, mi vida?' He asked 'I am sure.' Clay said, smiling at the nickname. They switched places and Clay started the car, turning back onto the road. 'You know what Clay? I am still so confused about you, how are you still surprised by the nicknames when we've already been dating for half a year.' Tony said sleepily. 'Because- uhm, well because I-Actually I don't know why.' Clay said, Tony chuckled and slowly fell sound-asleep.

When he woke up he was underneath a big blanket, they were standing still at a small supermarket near the house they would be staying in. Just when he wanted to call his missing boyfriend, the door of the car opened and Clay entered with two coffees and two sandwiches. 'Oh, this is why I love you.' Tony said as he took the food, he was starving. 'You love me because I brought you food?' Clay said smiling. 'And because you are the cutest little thing in the world, mi amor.' Tony said as he took another sip of his coffee. Clay smiled to himself at the nickname and the comment in general. 'I really love you.' He said, following with a big yawn. 'Now it's my turn to care about you.' Tony said as he finished his food. 'Oh I can really drive the last part Tony it's okay!' Tony just stared at him 'Mi mundo. I am going to drive, wether you like it or not.' Clay knew he wasn't going to win this argument and got out of the car with a sigh. Tony got out as well and they passed each other, Clay rolled his eyes at his boyfriend. Tony saw and took his boyfriend's arm to pull him back. 'Rolling eyes at me now? You must be really tired if you think that's a good idea, mi querido(my darling)...' Clay blushed and hugged his boyfriend, 'I really am tired.' He mumbled in the chest of the older boy. 'I know, that's why I'm taking over sweetheart.' Tony responded giving Clay a kiss on the top of his head. They entered the car and Clay installed himself in the same blanket he had putten over Tony the other night. The smell calmed him and he was asleep before Tony even started the car.

During the last 15 minutes of the drive, Clay had shifted to Tony's shoulder. Tony had tried to move him back, so he was more steady leaning on the window, but without success. Then he remembered that he could just move Clay to his lap, that way he couldn't fall off his shoulder and wake up all startled. When they arrived he carefully nudged his sleeping boyfriend awake 'Buenos días sol ¿cómo estás? (Good morning sunshine, how are you?)' Clay shifted a bit and soon realized his position, he slowly sat upright and looked around, they had finally arrived. He was still exhausted because he only got to sleep for 15 minutes which didn't make up for the 8 hours he had lost. 'If you really want to know. I am exhausted as fuck.' He finally responded. Tony chuckled and smiled at the comment of his not even half awake boyfriend. 'Well, then we better get in to put you to bed.' Tony said as he stepped out of the car. 'I can help with the unloading of the car too? I am not that tired.' Clay tried 'Ha! As if I would let my little princess carry his own stuff, you're going inside, to our bed and you're going to sleep.' Tony said shaking his head. 'But the fact that you tried to do something was very sweet, mi querido.'

Clay got out, still wrapped into the blanket and slowly walked over to the (already open) front door. When he entered, he immediately noticed something, it was freezing in this house. 'Tonyyyy,' he whined 'Yes Clay, what is it?' Tony said with a sigh as he walked into the house and stopped next to Clay, putting their stuff down. 'it's fucking freezing in this damn house.' Clay finished his sentence as a shiver went down his spine. Tony stared at his boyfriend, who was still not a 100 percent awake and looking like a cute burrito. 'Mi amor, you are wrapped up in a blanket and you've been wearing a hoodie all day. I think you'll be fine.' 'Nope, I won't, I'll need some body warmth.' Clay said as he turned to Tony. 'Fine.' Tony said as he took Clay's hand and led him to the bed. 'You wait here, I'll take the last things out of the car and then we can cuddle, so you can finally get some rest, ok?' 'Ok.' Clay answered as he yawned again.

When Tony finished unloading the car, he locked his car and went inside. Clay was still waiting on the bed and looked up at him. 'Yay! You're finally done!!' He exclaimed. Tony walked towards him and they got comfortable on the soft bed. 'The sheets are too thin.' Clay dryly commented. 'Dios mio, you are soooooo picky, just relax and sleep, love.' Tony groaned at the second comment on the house today. Tony started to kiss Clay's head in a repetitive rhythm and Clay snuggled closer to his warm boyfriend's chest. And like that they fell into a comfortable and warm sleep.

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