Chapter Thirty-Seven: Vigilante PAW

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Fingers gliding across a keyboard, a man rhythmically typed away, his eyes darting down to ensure that the keys being typed on were the correct ones. After all, a task such as this required the utmost precision and attention. No room for error. Upon completing yet another line of code, one that stretched out from one end of the screen to the other, the man slowly turned around in his swivel chair, standing up and walking away from the screen.

The leather soles of the man's dress shoes tapped on the sleek floor as he walked across it, the echo created by the initially unnoticeable noise providing a nice background sound to fill the silent void of what appeared to be the interior of a cave. His plan was moving along quite nicely. And a bonus, it seemed as though he was right on time.

See, he had recently heard that Mayor Goodway was planning a dog competition for both Foggy Bottom, as well as Adventure Bay. And if he wanted to win and prove that Foggy Bottom was the better of the two locations, he would have to get a bit creative. Especially if he didn't own any dogs.

As the man stopped walking, the sound of tapping ceasing, various barks and howls began to fill the air. The man smirked beneath his mustache. So what better of a plan to take the strays around Foggy Bottom in order to train them to be the best show dogs possible? Yes, this was indeed an excellent plan!

"With that pesky PAW Patrol down on their numbers, it's the perfect time for me to pull off my excellent plan!" The man exclaimed, his cartoonishly villainous voice rising above the howls and barks around him, "I've got this in the bag!"

Just as he told himself that, a singular spotlight was cast down on the man. The most notable sight was the overwhelming purple color on every inch of his body. This included a purple top hat, which the man's eyes were hidden beneath the rim of.

The mysterious malefactor raised a hand to snap his fingers, the howling and barking ceasing immediately afterwards. His smirk grew wider as he finally looked up, his eyes revealed. Standing under the lone spotlight was the head of Foggy Bottom, the neighboring town to Adventure Bay, Mayor Humdinger.

For years, it had always seemed as though Adventure Bay had always gotten the spotlight in their little corner of the world, so much so that many didn't even know what Foggy Bottom looked like. It angered the purple clothed man. So much so that when Humdinger finally became the mayor of the town, it became one of his primary missions to show Adventure Bay, to show the world how much better his beloved home was.

And this dog competition was just another place to prove his point.

"With the PAW Patrol down on their numbers, I have free reign to keep them from messing up my schemes!" Humdinger reached up to pinch and twirl his mustache, "They'll all finally see... Foggy Bottom will have its—"

Suddenly, the spotlight Humdinger was standing under began to sway in multiple directions. The mischievous mayor tried to ignore it, waiting a few seconds before it finally settled once more.

"Foggy Bottom will have its—-"

The spotlight began to swing again, taking it off of himself and flashing at various places. Growling with annoyance, Humdinger looked up to see one of his many kittens hanging from the light, playing around with it.

"Not again!" The purple clothed man childishly stomped his foot, "Naughty kitty, you're ruining my dramatic introduction!!"

In a forest not too far away from the misty town, four pups sat in front of a dog that easily dwarfed the four pups in size. The large dog, a furry Great Pyrenees, looked at each and every one of the pups. A Husky, a mixed breed, and two Dalmatians with vastly different dispositions as they waited for the large dog to speak.

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