Spider Psyco

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Y/n pov

I scrub the floor with little interest. The blob is floating around my head messing with my hair.

"Cut it out morph." I tell him. He coos and rubs me cheak and flys to Jim. I look around and see a bunch of mangey looking crew sitting around some box tables. They're whispering and i raise and eyebrow at Jim who is looking too. Suddenly one spots us and tells the others. Theyre all looking at us now. And we stare right on back.

"What're you looking at weirdo?" A large alien with a deep voice says.

Only its a small head alien on top of a body with a face on its stomach. The head crawls off and the body repeats 

"Yah! Wierdo!" In a very high pitched voice. Sure we're the weird ones.

"Cabin boys shouldn't pocking around listneing to secrets." A spider like alien snears at Jim. Then he turns to me and gets real close t my face.

"And you better be careful of who you hang around y/l/n." He looks me up and down. How in the Universes did he kmow my name? Creepy. What did Silver say about me seeming familiar. I suddenly come tomy senses as Jim says

"Why you got something to hide, bright eyes?" He has a smirk on his face. I knew that smirk would get him killed someday.

"Not from her" he, or it, nods at me. What is this dudes deal?

"Hey! Keep me out of your schemes bug brain! You don't know me!" I size him up. Which is quite dificult as I am a lot shorter than him.

"Ah... but I know of your parents" he says. My parents? The ones who abandoned me?

Thats it. I spat in his face. He stumble back a little whiping his face with his claw.

"Your going to regret that you little twerp!" At that he lifts me against the mast and rases his crab like claw to strike me.

"Hey! Bright eyes! Put her down!" Jim yells. He is held by two other aliens and it struggling against then. His hair is falling in his face. A look of fear in his blue eyes that I'm sure is reflected in my y/c/e ones.

"Oh don't worry cabin boy, your after your pretty little girlfriend." I didnt even retort, i was just trying to pry his claw off my throat. It wouldn't budge. "Shame a pretty thing like you is waisted so. Any last words?" He rears back and...

And is caught by silver.

"Mr. Scroop. You know what happens to a purp when you squeeze real hard?" At that he squeezed scroops claw with his metal arm. He drops me a d i hit the floor hard with my knees. Thats going to bruise. Jim has been let go by now and runs over.

"You ok?" He asks

"Y-yah im-uh-fine." I reply. I feel like I'm going to vomit.

"You're shaking! Your not fine! What can I do?" He tells me. I look down and see my hands are shaking.

"Um, i dont know." The Arrow comes over. I cant hear his words over the ringing in my ears. My hearts beating so fast i cant breath. He knew my parents? After they disapeared? Before? I need answers

"Y/n, come with me to see the captain, please." Arrow addresses me. I look up and Jim is holding his hand out. I reach up and take it. Then he leads me all the way to the captauns quarters.

"Thank you, Jim." I tell him. Im not totally sure what for, but he helped.

"Anytime. Catch ya later?" He asks.

"For sure!" I respond then turn to the door.

"You're going to be ok. Im not sure how he knew your last name or why he claimed to know your parents. Hes probly just getting under your skin, but you'll shake him off. You're the toughest person i know." He says. He squeezes my hand then lets go. I look at him then tuck a strand of hair behind his ear. He sucks in a breathe and i freeze

"Y/n?" The captain says from the door i whip around mortified then recompose myself and walk forward. I don't look back.

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