Part 1: Distant Memories

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[HEADS UP! This story takes place after Dragons Rising Part 2, so spoilers ahead!]

Song Inspiration: 7 Years

Artist: Lukas Graham


Late in the evening, the monastery's lanterns lit the courtyard.

A few of the original ninja rested inside, sitting around their dining room table while the smell of noodles filled the air.

"So, you and Kai are planning on heading out tomorrow morning?" Lloyd asked the water ninja who sat beside him. The legendary green hero held a cup of tea in one hand with a small map laid out on the table.

"Yeah, someone's gotta finish mapping out the rest of 'New Ninjago'," Nya answered while using air quotes at the end, emphasizing how little their new home looked like Ninjago anymore. She rolled up the map and tucked it away into her satchel, which hung on the back of her chair.

"We also want to take another chance at seeing who else we can find... like the rest of our team, our parents, allies... there's so many people still missing from after the merge," Kai said from his seat across the table. His smile had faltered the more he dwelt on how much they truly lost.

"Tell me about it... We still haven't gotten any closer to finding Master Wu, Pixal, or Jay..." Nya mumbled the last name to herself while she cast her gaze onto the table. Lloyd looked between his two friends, or siblings if he were being honest, and set down his tea.

"We'll find them, every single one of them. I mean, you found Cole while on your search for one of the Dragon Cores. Right, Nya?" Lloyd asked. The raven-haired woman lifted her gaze and focused back on the green ninja. A small smile then grew across her cheeks.

"Yeah, thankfully. If the Dragon Core wasn't moved from its original spot, though, Sora and I might have never found him. Too bad he couldn't come back right away since he's going wherever that strange voice of Master Wu is calling him to."

"Well, whatever weird adventure he's on, it better wrap up soon, I've been meaning to have an actual reunion with that boulder head," Kai said with a smirk. The others chuckled in response.

"Don't worry, I gave him the location of the monastery, so he should drop by when he's finished," Nya explained, resting her arms on the table to lean forward.

"Good to know. I'll send you both a letter whenever he comes," Lloyd said just as Zane emerged from the kitchen with a tray.

"Dinner is served," Zane stated before setting down the tray and handing out the bowls of noodles.

"Thanks for cooking, Zane," Lloyd said. He carried a big grin before grabbing his share.

"Mmm, man, I've missed your cooking," Kai replied, already digging into a bowl.

"It was not just me this time. Mr. Frohicky helped me prepare the side dishes-"

A loud CRASH echoed from the kitchen, making everyone turn their attention to it. A man with the facial features of a frog soon appeared from around the corner.

"Apologies for the noise! Dropped a few plates while trying to make sure the bread didn't burn in the oven. It should be ready soon!" Frohicky called out before disappearing once again. The others shrugged off the incident before going back to their food.

"Hey, where are Sora and the others? They're missing dinner," Nya said while grabbing her bowl.

"Arin and Sora left to do some shopping at the Crossroads... I'm not sure where Wyldfyre is," Lloyd replied. He glanced around the room as if he could possibly find her somewhere nearby.

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