Payu's first day at Uni

Start from the beginning

We both will wait here and you take us to the ice cream parlour which is opposite to Uni...

This cash is not enough...

Me and my baby eat a lot of ice cream you know...

Payu : Idiot...
Wait here I'll be back...

Payu goes inside the building...

Rain pulls Fah to corner...

Rain : Fah what is wrong with you...???
See how irritated your Phi was...

Why did you tell my name and told him to treat us with ice cream...???

Your phi got so irritated...

Fah : Who cares sweetie...???
Ice cream is important...!!!

And what ever irritates him that's doesn't care...
Am still his brother and if he doesn't take good care of me then mom and dad will definitely scold him...

You know am the younger one and I have some extra love from my parents...

Fah winks his eyes...

Rain : Your really somewhat....

Fah : Yes my sweetie...

After about half an hour Payu comes out...

Payu looks at Fah and Rain sitting on the bench...

Payu : Fah...
Are you really serious...???

I thought you both went back...

Fah : Why would we go...???
When my handsome brother is going to treat us ice cream...

And more over mom and dad already told you right to take a good care of me and Rain as we both are younger and cute brothers to you...

Payu looks at both Fah and Rain and makes an irritated face...

Payu : Fine come...!!!

Fah quickly holds Rain hands and drags him along with him...

Rain was kind of scared that Payu was angry and irritated because of him...

As Fah and Rain walked with Payu...

Some of other friends of Fah runs to them and asks...

Fah is this your new friend...???

Fah : No no...
This is my elder brother...
His name is Payu...

He was studying in abroad now came to Thailand and joined here as a transfer student...

The boys and girls were excited and all starts to say hi and hello to Payu...

Payu was already so irritated and just gives a cold response to them

One of the girl : Fah your brother is so handsome...

Fah : Yes I know that now please if you all excuse us....
We have to go somewhere...

They all go away... leaving them alone...

Payu : Fah...
Are you seriously an idiot or what...???

Fah : Why phi...???

Payu : Did anyone ask you to tell me bio data there in front of everyone...

God I really don't know at what time mom gave you birth so that you're stupid like this...

They three reach the ice cream parlour and Fah orders so many different types of ice cream and also some snacks...

Payu looks at Fah curiously....

Payu : Did you not have your breakfast morning at home..???

Fah : Yes I had...
Don't worry we both can finish all these...

You just pay the bill for us...

Payu : God Fah...
How are you really my brother....???

Payu just orders one cold coffee for him...

After getting all the orders...

Rain : Fah don't you think it's too much...

Fah : Shut and eat baby...
My phi doesn't treat us every time like this...

Payu starts to drink his coffee...

Here Fah takes some ice cream in the spoon and starts to feed Rain...

Payu was really getting so irritated looking at Fah always taking care of Rain like a baby...

Payu : Seriously Fah...
Don't you think he can eat it by himself...

Fah : I always feed my baby...
You know I love my Rain so much...

Rain pulls the spoon from Fah's hand and he himself starts to eat...

Fah : Baby...
Don't worry about phi's words...

Your always my sweetheart and I will always love you...

He takes back the spoon and again starts to feed Rain...

Payu looks at Rain in an irritated look...

Rain was feeling really uncomfortable because he knows Payu was so irritated by the way Fah was behaving and treating him...

While eating some of the ice cream gets around Rain's lips...

Fah takes the tissue and wipes it for Rain...

Payu : Better go and adopt him as your son...


Rain : Am really sorry phi...
Sorry for irritating you....

Payu looks at Rain coldly...

And doesn't give him any response...

Fah : Baby why are you saying sorry for all these...

Phi Payu never had friends like this so he doesn't know...

And phi...
I already told you....

Rain is very special to me and he is my best friend...

I will always take care of him like this...
And no one can stop me by doing all these...

Payu : So loving...😒
Payu gets up in an irritated face and goes and pays the bill...

Payu : Am going back...
Take care of your baby well...

Better carry him back home...
Who knows he doesn't even know to walk...

Saying this Payu gets out of the ice cream parlour...

Rain : Fah...
Why would you speak to him like that...???

See your brother got so irritated...
And the way he looked at me... am dame sure he got so irritated because of me...

Fah : Do you think I care...???
As I told him.. I will repeat it again....

No one ever can stop me by taking care of you...

Note : I really don't know how to make interaction between Payu and Rain...

Will see how it goes...

End of chapter...!!!

Love you all 😘😘😘


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