San walked towards him but stopped about a meter away, keeping his distance. "I saw what Ari did. I'm sorry. All of this is my fault. If I hadn't gotten with her none of this would have happened. I'm so sorry Wooyoung. I really am. "

"That's not... "

"And I'm sorry about the other day. I'll deal with my own feelings. I promise I will. You don't have to worry about them. I just need you back. Please. All I care about is you Wooyoung. Nothing else. If you want me to give you space I will. But I can't handle anything further than that. I also value our friendship more than anything so don't shut me out Woo. Just... "

Wooyoung closed the distance between them and threw himself at San, wrapping his arms around his waist and burying his head in his neck. "It's okay San. "

"Woo baby, I'm sorry. I'm so sorry" San sobbed, hugging him tighter and letting out a deep shaky exhale.

"Stop apologizing you dummy. It's not your fault" he closed his eyes, reveling in the warmth of San's body.

"Ari will delete it. And if she doesn't I'll make sure to... "

Wooyoung pulled back and held his face in his hands. He looked at his teary eyes. San was afraid. He had never seen him this shaken up and anxious.

"I don't care San'ah just stop crying. You're making me feel like shit right now"Wooyoung chuckled, wiping San's tears strolling down his cheek.

He looked at him like he had lost his mind. " Wooyoung what do you mean you don't care? What Ari did was... "

"I thought I told you not to talk about her around me. " Wooyoung pouted.

"But.... "

"Am I scared? Do I want to cry? Of course. I mean if my father finds out he'd kill me but then again he's already been killing me slowly since I was born so what would be new.?

"Wooyoung that's.... "

"I'm holding it in right now because of you. I said some terrible things to you last time. And I treated you like shit back at the cafeteria. I don't have the right to cry. "

"No Woo, you have every right to cry. And I know you didn't mean any of the things you said so don't worry about that. It's okay so just let it out " San was now the one cupping his face in his hands.

Wooyoung shook his head. "I can't. '

"What do you mean you... "

"Just take me home instead. I don't want to be here. "

San sighed, hands dropping from his face and taking away with him the warmth Wooyoung so badly needed on him. "The last time you said that Woo you left me with just a piece of note on my bed only to avoid me for a whole week. "

Wooyoung blushed when he remembered why he had actually left like that. Those stupid words. He still couldn't believe it even now that he had said that with his mouth.

"That was a different story. "He mumbled.


"I promise. I won't leave like that. I just want to be with you. Please"

"It was yesterday when you told me to leave you alone. I get it you're going through a lot right now but I don't think I can handle this game of push and pull Wooyoung. Like I said, if you need space then I'll... "

"Oh my god San stop talking. I don't need space. Just you. I need you only" Wooyoung told him.

San seemed to be slightly startled by that but he quickly recollected imself and smiled, though it didn't reach his eyes." Fine then. "

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