XXII : Nice Lady

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Monday, 20th February 2023

Christine walked into her shop with Ruby, both excitedly chatting. It was so exciting to have her best friend around. Having someone around other than Scott who she could talk to about literally anything felt very exhilarating. More so because she hadn't had that in a long time.

   Amy walked up to them with surprise on her face as she asked her boss, "Madam, I thought you were at the school. Did you make other arrangements for Summer?"

   "What?" Christine was confused for a moment, then realisation dawned on her face. She took a glance at her wristwatch. "Oh, shit! I completely forgot about Summer."

   Without another word, she hurried to her car, Ruby following her. They got into the backseat together, and the driver drove away.

   Christine leaned on the seat, a hand on her forehead as she sighed. "I can't believe I forgot. I feel so irresponsible right now." And it was a feeling which didn't seat well with her. She had been so caught up with her friend during her lunch break.

   Ruby placed a hand on her shoulder in comfort. "Things like this happen. You're not perfect. I'm sure Summer will understand."

   "They don't happen to me." Christine insisted. "I know Summer won't be mad. I'm the one who's mad at myself."

   "I didn't know it was you who picked up Summer. Why doesn't Scott do it now that you're, you know?" She gestured at her bump.

   Christine gave another sigh. "I don't want to put the responsibility of taking care of her on him. She's my niece, not his. He's already doing enough."

   "I get you," Ruby replied and settled in her own seat. They remained silent for the rest of the ride.

   When the car pulled up in front of Summer's school, a pang of guilt went through Christine when she saw no one standing outside. It had closed almost an hour ago, so that was understandable. But why wasn't Summer waiting outside? Isn't that what all kids did?

   She opened her door and got out of the car, taking long strides to the main door. It was open, and she walked in, only to be greeted by an empty hallway. She continued in, heading for Summer's classroom. It was empty, except for the teacher, who seemed to be doing some work at her desk.

   Filled with dread, Christine opened the door. "Ummm, Miss -" she had forgotten her name.

   The teacher looked up, an automated smile on her face. "Oh, Miss Pace."

   Christine took a few steps into the room. "I'm sorry to interrupt you."

   The woman waved it away. "It's nothing."

   "Do you know where Summer is by any chance? You see, I got caught up at work and forgot to pick her up on time."

   The teacher's smile was replaced with a frown. "Didn't you send someone to pick her up?" She asked.

   It was Christine's turn to frown. "No, I didn't. That's why I'm here right now."

   The teacher adjusted her glasses on her nose in obvious discomfort. "I saw a woman approach Summer. I didn't think too much of it, because Summer seemed comfortable with her, hence why I assumed she was sent by you."

   "Why would you think that?" Christine half yelled.

   "Well, it was way past closing time and the usual time you showed up, so I thought it was only logical for you to send a sub," she explained, as though she were speaking to one of her pupils. But the panic was obvious in her gestures.

   "What the...? Could you please describe the woman? Did they leave in a car or any sort of transportation?"

   "She was average height, about 5 foot 5, a little too skinny- if you ask me -, and had long black hair. They got into a car. A black one. You'll have to forgive me, I don't know too much about cars, so I can't tell you the make or model. But it was an old fashioned car, that much I can say."

   "That's not a lot for me to go by," Christine muttered to herself, already walking out the room. She barely registered her guard as she brushed past him on her way out.

   She began to go through options. The woman couldn't have been Maria, because she was on the curvier side, plus she wasn't in town. It couldn't have been Sophie either. Sophie was shorter than that. And Scott didn't have any acquaintances that she knew of with that description.

   She took out her phone, with the intention of calling Scott, with the hopes that he would prove her wrong and ease the tension and fear in her. She walked out of the school doors, just as the phone started to ring. She stopped walking, standing just outside the doors.

   Scott didn't pick up, and he didn't on the second and third try. By that time, Ruby was out of the car, watching her friend worriedly. Christine then decided to phone the house, so she could Sophie if Scott was home. He was probably taking a nap, reason why he wasn't picking his phone.

   Sophie picked up on the fourth ring, her voice chirpy and bright, contrasting what Christine was feeling. "Hello. This is-"

   "Sophie, it's me," Christine said, speaking fast.

   "Oh! Ma'am."

   "Is Scott at home?"

   "Yes he is." Christine breathed a sigh of relief. Before she could ask Sophie to put him on the line, she said, "He's playing Scrabble with Summer right now in the living room."

   "What? Summer is home?"

   "Uhhhhh, isn't she supposed to be? I'm confused."

   "No, it's nothing. Thank you Sophie. I'll be right over."

   "Okay, ma'am."

   Christine narrated to Ruby what the teacher had told her as they were being driven home. They both agreed that the good news was that Summer was home safe, and chose to focus on that.

   Christine was out of the car before it was even fully parked in the driveway, hurrying into the house. She ignored Sophie's greeting as she walked in, too focused on her goal.

   Sure enough, she saw Summer and Scott in the living room as Sophie had said, playing Scrabble.

   "Aunt Christine!"

   "Babe, you're home early."

   She didn't respond to any of them, and instead gripped one of Summer's little arms.

   "Summer, what have I told you about talking to strangers? Much less about getting into their cars!" She yelled in the child's face.

   "What's going on here?" Scott asked in confusion.

   Christine spared him a glance before turning back to Summer. Summer looked like she was on the verge of tears as she said, "She knew my name. And yours. And Uncle Scott too. She knows mum."

   "That's not enough! Anyone could easily know that."

   "But she was very nice to me."

    "Anyone can be nice to you if they want something in return," Christine continued to yell. "Did she say what her name was? What did she tell you?"

   Summer was sobbing at this point, so her words were harder to decipher. "She-she said you took something from her. And she's g-going to take it back."

   Shock washed over Christine's face and she froze, letting go of Summer. She then turned around and looked at Ruby who was behind her, a matching expression on her face.

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