XVII : No Privacy

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Sunday, 1st January 2023

"... a source close to the couple just confirmed that they are expecting, with Christine just beginning her second trimester. Life must be good for Cage right now, as he's been flooding his media accounts with his journey to recovery and healing. Hopefully, we see him back in the... "

   Christine angrily hit the power button on the remote, switching off the television. It took all the control she could muster not to throw the remote across the room. With a yell, she began to toss around the pillows which were on the couch where she sat.

   Scott rushed into the living room, a look of panic on his face. From her yell, he had feared the worse. He thought she had tripped and fallen or something like that. At the sight of her throwing around pillows in a manner which was so unlike her, he was scared to approach her. She had been having sudden bursts of emotions; anger, sadness, happiness, you name it. She ignored him when he tried to help, but got mad when he decided to give her space. He could swear taking care of her was a full time job.

   Deciding that her ignoring him was better than her being mad at him, he skeptically approached her.

   "Baby? What's going on?"

   To his surprise, she didn't ignore him. She turned around and faced him, rage evident in her eyes which he could see through her now scattered hair.

   "Have you seen the news?" She asked him in a voice much calmer than the one he had expected.

   Removing his phone from the pocket of his shorts, he said, "No. Why?" But his question was answered as soon as he unlocked his phone and received a notification from the sports blog he followed. Their cover story today was a feature on him and Christine, and the news of her pregnancy. What the? How had they even gotten wind of the news? He had been very discreet about it, or so he had thought.

   Soon enough, he noticed the notifications filling up his phone. They were all messages from his contacts, some congratulating him and others inquiring if the news was true. He mustn't have noticed them earlier because his phone was on silent mode.

   With confusion evident in his features, he looked at Christine, "I don't - How did -?"

   "You promised me no one would find out. I begged you to keep this one thing secret, and you promised me you would." Christine yelled at him.

   "And I kept to my promise as much as I could. I didn't even tell any of my teammates. Do you know how hard that was for me?"

   "Oh, really! Then who is the source the reporter was talking about? Because I know damn well I didn't go around telling anybody who can't keep their mouth shut, or anybody who didn't need to know."

   Looking offended, Scott asked, "Are you trying to call my parents gossip?"

   Christine closed her eyes, realising her mistake. "I didn't -"

   "You didn't need to say it. I already know what you implied. I know you too well. And I know you are referring to my mum in particular. I agree. Yes! My mum is a chatterbox. It's not like your sister is any different." He turned around after saying this, walking away from her.

   The sight of his retreating back vexed her further, and she pulled one of his arms, making him face her.  "How dare you walk away from me? This is what you always do. You always walk away. Instead of trying to solve the problem."

    He sighed heavily, "How am I supposed to do any problem solving with you like this? You're acting feral right now. There's no reasoning with you when you're like this."

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