"Sophie!" She shouted at the top of her voice, requesting the maid's presence. She picked up one of her gowns from the floor, and saw a sweat stain in the armpit part. When she sniffed it, she could get the scent of a perfume she didn't recognise, one which was very different from hers.

   Sophie walked in, almost out of breath, clearly having ran all the way in.

   "Could you please explain to me what the hell is happening here?" Christine asked.

   Sophie looked around, confusion evident on her face. She looked back at Christine, and shook her head. "I don't know what is going on ma'am."

    "There's even a sweat stain on my dress!" Christine yelled, holding up the gown for emphasis. She knew it wasn't Sophie's doing, because she didn't wear any perfume. But she needed an explanation. "You and Summer were the only ones home today, so you had better start talking!"

   Sophie looked like she was about to cry as she said, "I have no idea, ma'am. I swear. Until now, I hadn't stepped into your room today."

   "Who dropped Belle off?" She curtly asked.

    Eyes downcast, Sophie replied, "Her mum did. But she didn't stay long. She dropped Belle off and that was it. She didn't get any further than the living room. I saw her off myself."

   "Then who did this? There has to be some sort of explanation! I'm not crazy!"

   Before Sophie could utter another word, they were both rendered silent by the sound of footsteps walking into the room.

   "What's up with the decorations downstairs?" Scott's voice filled the room as he approached them. "Was I not invited to this party?" When he came in their view, he had a smile plastered on his face and was obviously in very good spirits. But his face fell as he assessed the scene. "What is going on?"

   Christine could only imagine what they looked like; her in her bra and skirt with a protruding belly, and Sophie who was shaking in the corner. This wasn't how she had planned for the day to go. Her surprise had been ruined.

   "Is anyone going to atleast try to explain?" Scott questioned, breaking the silence.

   "I myself do not understand what is going on here. I walked into my closet and met it in this state." She held up the gown still in her hand to Scott. "There's even a fresh sweat stain on this one and wisps of female perfume."

   Scott took the dress from and sniffed it, his eyes never leaving hers. "So... Why does Sophie look like she's about to cry?"

   "I haven't done anything to her. I'm just asking her for answers. But she can't seem to provide that. She was the one who was home, after all."

   To their surprise, Sophie dropped to her knees, both of her hands clasped in front of her as she begged, "Ma'am, please believe me. I have no idea who went through your things. I can't lose this job."

   "No one is losing their job," Scott spoke up. "I'll call the police. Where's Summer?"

   "She's in the backyard having tea with Belle."

   "Okay, then. That means no harm was done. Let's try to not overreact as we try to get to the root of this."

   The police came over, and all of them were interrogated. Summer and Belle watched from the corner of the room with curious eyes, and occasionally turned to whisper to each other. Sophie cried throughout the time she was being questioned, so much so that she made even the officers nervous. Soon enough, she was allowed to go, and she immediately took the children outside.

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