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{This story you're about to witness is full of many feats! I would love to delight you in every aspect, but I'm afraid you'll just have to travel along the galaxy to figure them all out....}

Many a time ago, there were civilizations among the stars. VAST regions of each universe ......... Filled with war,love, unfulfilled destinies, righteous warriors, hateful enemies and last but not least.. Chosen ones.

Our story starts with a couple younglings. Born from the greats of time, on one particular star of its own....The Corsceus star bred Kasiety and Frebous,The Lord of Warriors and the Lady of Love. Now many Lords and Ladies lived among these two but something special about their union makes this a wonderful development. Anywho Kasiety and Frebous both fell in love while attending their studies. Frebous was a mischievous Lord, while Kasiety was a seemingly beautiful, gracious and unattainable Lady. Frebous felt in his heart and mind that she would never be interested, as to why he never asked her out before, although having a massive crush on her for years and years they've been going to class together. One day during the start of homeroom shenanigans, he finally got the courage to fetch her a note that read " Oh Lady Kasiety, will you please do me the civil honor of one night alone with you mylady? Circle Yes, or No". Lady Kasiety read the note, scribbled her answer and with the flick of her wrist and a sweet little kiss, she fluttered the note back to Lord Frebous in the form of pink, purple, and white butterflies. Frebous took the note and glanced at it, he then looked over to Kasiety and shot her a grin so huge, you would think his lips would rupture.
After that it was settled. The two lovebirds had their date later that evening...
Kasiety wore a vibrant purple flower gown laced ever so gently along her neckline that bounced off her brown skin. Her makeup was lightly glazed over her face (as she prefers the natural look) A little eye dust here, a plop of creamy color to dress her cheeks. Topped off with a shimmer to highlight her sharp cheekbones and bridge of her nose. Frebous picked her up at her place riding the finest chariot of course! It's encased in the richest gold anyone could get across the land. She checks outside her cottage window looking at the chariot in awe... Meanwhile frebous is waiting anxiously in the luxurious chariot, wearing a classic tunic made of the finest threads, (as you can guess he is clearly made from money). The colors Green and gold collide amongst his clothing, tough enough to hide his anxiety. Finally he braces himself and gets out of the chariot and walks up to her front door.... knocks her door chime 3 times. "Clook,clook,clook" is all you hear amongst the silence and frebous's breathing. Kasiety jumps and glides downstairs where she meets her father at the door. "You look lovely my darling" Bonifo says as he kisses his daughter's forehead. "Thank you papa" Kas replied in a light tone. "Have fun Kasi, and BE CAREFUL please!" He pleads. "I will papa" she sighs. Finally Kas opens the door to Frebous's face as their eyes meet ever so gently. He takes a glance at her and calmly chimes "You look enchantingly beautiful". Kas has never been complimented in such a way and blushes so hard at the comment replying "Thank you, You're not so bad yourself" delicately. He puts his hand out for hers and leads her to the chariot, helping her inside before getting in on his side. The night goes on and it is filled with many laughs, quick shy glances and even a little kiss!! From then on, after that night they both became enamored with each other, almost inseparable even (not in the bad way). They continue their union growing up together.. Frebous changing his ways and Kasiety learning to be a free spirit.
Soon before they know it they"ll be regarded as none other than Lady Kasiety of their goddess of Love and light and Lord Frebous the Warrior of Mopialis.

Years pass and Frebous inherits the throne of Mopialis from his father and Kasiety being his rightful Queen to throne.They go through a couple of wars, many battles against vast regions, and galaxies. Living their lives as Gods in their own right, all while being completely in love. Kasiety finds herself pregnant and those 9 months passed with stress, fateful battles and more heartache, until her beloved moment came to give birth. She screamed in anguish , causing the room to change different attributes, lovely sceneries, flowers, majestic creatures with every ounce of pain she felt while giving birth. Frebous quickly tends to her bedside weaving through her magical woes of pain. After just three pushes her baby comes...... "It's a BOY!" Says Amphiro, The well renowned doctor of Mopialis. Kasiety tries to catch her breath and cradle her baby boy. "He takes after his father!" Said Frebous teasingly. Kasiety laughs only to be put into more pain, as she finds there's another baby. "Oh my Lady stay calm, and just breathe slowly", "now PUUUUUUUUUUUUSH"Amphiro screams. "POP", comes out another glimmering baby of thiers, this time a girl. Kasiety cradles both her babies as Frebous looks on beside her, so proud of his lovely Lady for her courage and strength. "Frebo.. What are we gonna do with these sweet souls?" Kasiety cries. "Kasi we're in for a wild ride," Frebous said.

Indeed they were as a strike was cast onto the Castle and battle started to wage on ruining such a touching moment. Frebous immediately sent out his troops and gathered his armor to wage war. "I love you my darling, I'm proud of you, now I have to make sure our babies stay safe....I promise I'll come back to you my love" Frebous whispered cradling Kasiety's face and kissing her softly. Kasiety looks at her babies, and decides on whether to name them now or wait until her husband gets back from war.... She hesitates and starts making up names, while trying to evacuate back to the nursery they had built. "My darling girl you shall be Emerah the Lady of Healing, and My sweet baby boy you shall be, Pyrinn the Lord of wizardry" Kasiety smiled then she cried. She cradled her babies as the war waged on, Creatures and men screaming and throwing themselves at each other with haste. Slashing and slicing his way with his army is Frebous. He's going and raging until he sees a large Unorthodox creature leading the army and starts to charge its way. He gives his all until he no longer can anymore. His troops are still fighting harder than ever just when they notice their leader seemingly falling down. A group of his warriors break off to gather him and the rest fight their battle. Lord Frebous makes it back to his castle in one piece but much is to be done for him to survive. Kasiety runs to her husband's bedside in tears, pleading with him that everything will be okay , and that he's in good hands. "Frebo my king, you will be okay my love" Kasi says lovingly. The nanny rushes in with his children as they need to be fed. "This is Emerah and this is Pyrinn" Kasiety informs him. Frebous is looking at his wonderful children wincing in pain as he makes eye contact with Emerah and feels a weird tingle, and suddenly he's starting to feel his wounds close and feels as if his energy is fully restored. Kasiety notices what's happened and cradles her baby girl, kisses her forehead and says, "Thank you my love". Frebous makes a full recovery in seconds and exclaims "Our baby girl is just like her mother, magical in every way.. And she'll be just as beautiful". He leans forward and kisses Lady Kasiety, resting his head on her and smiling as bright as ever.

{Now I know this may seem a little off track but this is essential to the saga you will witness.}

After all the strife, mystery, and near deaths... Everything settled down. Kasiety and her beloved remained bewitched by their children and the powers they possessed and life as we know it went on and on. Leading all the way up to where our story finally begins.

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