Chapter 9. A Sight For Sore Eyes.

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Refreshed and with the large towel wrapped around my waist and the small hanging round my neck I opened the cubicle door and found a half naked Xander standing right there looking at me.

I immediately had to cover my groin area with my wash bag.

"Beating the rush means something different to you, I see," Xander remarked, his face expressionless as usual. "Your morning woody is quite a sight first thing in the morning. Thought it best for you not to shower when the others are all here otherwise you won't hear the last of it."

I muttered my thanks and, although rather embarrassed, walked with him over to the sinks to clean our teeth and to shave.

"I'm sorry to have embarrassed you," he whispered as we walked back into our room. "It's just that you were lying on your back .... Well...., there's no other word that can describe it more accurately...., displaying yourself this morning. It's natural...., I get that..., but it's most disconcerting for an innocent boy like me to be confronted by.... THAT.... first thing in the morning without any warning!"

I sensed, although he was teasing me, he was trying to be more friendly. Our conversation the previous day about us being friends must have been weighing on his mind and this was his way of breaking the awkwardness that my brother's visit had caused.

I was most grateful for that even though he was teasing me. At least that's what I assumed, remembering he had said about his difficulty in processing his emotions. I knew he liked me but I was pretty sure that he wouldn't dare flirt with me. For a start he hadn't admitted he was gay yet and I was damn sure he didn't know I was.

Doubt crossed my mind. Did he though? Did his Gaydar work regarding me just as mine did about him?

I began to question the real reason he asked me to go shower this morning. Was he not so secretly ogling me? Is that why he knew I had jerked off in the shower?

I decided to try and play it cool and see where this change in his attitude took us.

I was looking forward to this morning's lessons as it was music for both periods. Playing the piano was my first love, not rugby, and I hadn't had the opportunity to play since I had arrived. I was also looking forward to meeting Mr Quick since Xander had said that he was sympathetic towards his situation. I had wondered what he was really like and how good a teacher he was. I was hoping that he would be kind enough and would give me permission to use the piano during the evenings if it wasn't being used.

I didn't get on with the music teacher at my old school at all. She was too traditional, too strict and too controlling. We were never allowed to experiment with different styles of music which made her lessons boring and unexciting. I sincerely hoped Mr Quick's lessons would be very different to hers.

The thought of his nickname, Nessie, made me chuckle.

Xander's POV.

I knew that Cliff hadn't had a good night. He had been restless until the early hours, hardly surprising after what had happened.

I hadn't had a good night either for the same reason but the lack of sleep was soon forgotten on seeing him displaying a morning piss hard anyone would be proud of.

He had been totally unaware of me, leaning against the wardrobe that formed the end of the wall, staring at the form of his hardened manhood, straining against the fabric of his shorts as he lay sleeping,

Overnight I had given more thought to what he had said about us being friends and knew that I should try and treat him differently. I was now prepared to do that.

I was feeling unusually pleased with myself. Inviting him to go to the showers with me had been very rewarding, visually as well as mentally. I had to admit that I had revelled in the unexpected moments it had offered.

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