Time of my life🌶️

Start from the beginning

" Ok so first of all, I did take dancing lessons when I was a kid , but they don't exactly teach dirty dancing to 7 year olds, I learned Ballroom and Latin-"
"But you have moves, please don't make me beg, this is already embarrassing enough. I just want to surprise my girl alright? She said guys that can dance are sexy and I want her to think I am sexy. I can't dance, I'm awkward as fuck. She brought up the fact that we have never danced together. If I could pull this off-"
"Your such a softie for this girl Munson- because I'm such a romantic at heart I will help you out. But if you think I'm lifting your ass in the air, or gently caressing the inside of your arm your fucking nuts."
" Jesus Christ no!"
" You do realize that we are going to have to call in reinforcements-"
" Shit man I was really kind of hoping to keep this quiet-"
" You said it yourself dude, they know that movie inside and out, they know the dances."
" They've got to fucking promise, PROMISE, not to say anything to anyone else. Not my girl, and especially not the Shrimp Squad. If they find out Harrington, I'm kicking your ass."
" Real nice Eddie, I'm doing this out of the kindness of my heart." Steve gestured at me." First of all,you need to work on your posture Munson."
I stood up straight." I really do appreciate it Harrington, like for real. I just want to give my girl a first dance that she will never forget."
"Alright,alright it get it. We will have you dancing like Fred Astaire in no time."Steve crossed his arms across his chest.
I furrowed my brows." Who the fuck is Fred Astaire?"
" Nevermind. My house tomorrow, after work. Oh ,and Munson, be ready to have the time of your life."
" Jesus Christ Steve," I rolled my eyes and sighed."What the fuck am I getting myself into?"
I showed up promptly on Steve Harrington's doorstep ten minutes after he got home from work. I was fucking nervous, but it would be worth it in the end.
I jumped as the door opened and Steve stood there shaking his head at me."You came to practice dancing in jeans and boots? What the hell,Munson?"
" What the hell Steve? You didn't give me specific instructions, you just told me to show up."
" But everyone knows you don't stretch and warm up in jeans! You want something non- constricting, so you can move around freely,comfortably."
I looked him over, he was wearing a tank with a pair of basketball shorts. " I didn't even think about stretching. Jesus."
" You can barrow a pair of sweatpants." He motioned for me to come in. " Your going to owe me big time ."
I was thankful that for my first lesson it was just the two of us, I didn't need the girls around to pick on me, I was awkward as fuck. I made it through the stretches and warm ups fine , but once the actual lessons started..
" Ok Munson, move your hips."
I looked at Steve, eyebrows raised."Like how?"
" Like rock them." He demonstrated.
I did my best to copy him and he ran his hands over his face.
" Your so stiff, loosen up man. I feel really bad for your girl if your moving your hips like Mr. Roboto in the bedroom-"
" Don't you worry about my hips, my hips work just fine. I have never had one complaint-"
" Show me how you move your hips." Steve said again.
My eyebrows furrowed." Like when I'm fucking?"
" Sure, Eddie, like your fucking."
" This is so fucking weird."
" I'm not judging your technique, just move your fucking hips!"
" Alright,alright! Excuse me for being a little weirded out by this whole thing-"
" You want to learn how to 'Dirty Dance' but you don't want to show me how you move your hips? What part of 'Dirty' dancing do you not understand? You saw how Patrick Swayze danced right? He's practically humping the air."
I sighed. "Maybe I'm a fucking idiot for thinking I can do this."
" You can do it Munson. " Steve shook his head at me." It blows my mind that you can get on stage and turn into a confident heavy metal god, but your embarrassed to dance in my basement? You know music, you know rhythm, now you just need to find it deep within yourself."
I smirked." Dance instructor and motivational speaker?
Harrington smiled." Stop moving the lips and start rolling the hips."
" Hey Baby, how was band practice?" My sweet girl asked from the kitchen as I carried my guitar case into the the house.
" It was awesome Princess, " I set the case down and slid right up behind her, wrapping my arms around her waist and nuzzling into her neck. She leaned back into me and purred as she stirred whatever sauce she was making on the stove, the apartment smelled fucking amazing.
I hated lying to her, I was at Steve's, prancing around like ballerina, well not exactly. I was feeling confident enough after my first couple lessons with Steve to bring in Robin and Nancy. They gave me so much shit , but then congratulated me on being the sweetest most devoted boyfriend in the world. They knew how much it took for me to do this , completely stepping outside my comfort zone, and they appreciated the effort, they appreciated what I was willing to do for their friend.
They were kind, even when I was tripping over my own fucking feet, and would praise and cheer for me when I would get something right. I was getting there. I felt like such a fucking douchebag dancing around the house whenever I had a moment alone , but I needed to practice, I needed to get it right, for her.
" Oh boy Eds, your all sweaty. " She laughed." What where you guys going in that garage?"
" It's hard work playing Metallica Sweetheart.I'm screaming and shredding, it's a fucking work out."
" Well it's really working out for you because damn baby, I swear your getting jacked. Your so sexy."She turned off the burner than spun around in my arms. She ran her fingers up my arms ,over my biceps, up to my shoulders then down my chest. She looked up at me and smiled devilishly as her hands traveled down to the edges of my damp shirt, grabbing it and pulling it up over my head. I got goosebumps.
Shit, maybe all this dancing and 'keeping my core tight' has been paying off. I was using muscles I didn't even know I had, and for the first few weeks I was sore as a motherfucker.
" Your so goddamn fine baby, got me all worked up, thinking about you playing your guitar, working sooo hard."She murmured into my lips, kissing me, her mouth moving along my jaw, working her way down my neck.
I groaned at the feeling of her soft lips on my skin. " Sweetheart," she kissed her way along my collarbone. " Fuck, Sweetheart,"
" Yeah baby?" She whispered, her teeth lightly grazing across my shoulder.
" Fuuck, that feels so good, but Angel -"
I felt her hand travel down to the waistband of my pants." Babe-"
" What's the matter Love?" She toyed with the button on my jeans then popped it open.
" I'm fucking disgusting, I'm sweaty-"
" I love you when your dirty." She looked up at me and winked. " But I was thinking that maybe I could help you clean up before dinner. Maybe we could hop in the shower and I could help you soap up, help you get those hard to reach places, maybe you could help me out in return? I'm feeling a little filthy myself." She nipped at my skin.
Jesus, I fucking loved this girl. I grabbed her ass and picked her up and she wrapped her legs around me." It's a dirty job but someone's got to do it."
" I think you've got it Munson." Steve said smiling as he watched me practice my dance with Nancy. We had made some modifications, stolen pieces of dances throughout the movie, Robin and Nancy absolutely loved it and approved.
" Your going to knock her socks off, you do realize that right?" Robin said excitedly as I chugged some water and wiped my face with the corner of my shirt.
" I hope so, I fucking owe it to her. Now tell me honestly, do I look like a fucking dipshit? Like for real, don't try to spare my feelings, I don't want to look like a fool and I don't want to embarrass her." I sighed." I want it to be fucking perfect."
"Eddie your doing sooo great. You have got great rhythm and your timing is wonderful. Being a musician really helped." Nancy smiled. " You really caught on quick once you stopped worrying about what everyone was going to think. I think it's real romantic, that you want your first dance to be memorable, that you were willing to learn how to dance to impress her. She's going to love it."
" Her birthday is next weekend, we'll finally get to see her reaction." I ran my hands through my hair." I'm glad I won't have to keep lying about my whereabouts."
" It's for a good reason though." Robin pat my shoulder.
" I couldn't have done any of this without you guys. You don't understand how thankful I am. I owe you guys big time-"
" You don't owe us anything-" Nancy smiled.
" Speak for yourself Nancy, do you know how many times he stepped on my toes in the beginning ?" Steve smirked." I'm thinking dinner, drinks-"
" Pizza, beer- absolutely."
" A movie-,"
" A movie? You want me to take you on a fucking date? "
" Well I do feel rather close to you now, after all we have been through this past month-"
" Fucker."
Steve laughed. " Beer works for me."
"You got it buddy. Seriously though guys, thanks."
"'It will be so worth it to see the look on her face. Your going to take her in your arms, and your going to lead her around the floor and it's going to feel so natural. She is a wonderful dancer."
" I just can't fuck it up."
Steve crossed his arms in front of his chest." Honestly Munson, you could fall flat on your face and that girl would still love and appreciate the fact that you tried. She is head over heels in love with you."
" I'm a lucky son of a bitch to have gotten such an Angel of a girl. I don't deserve her."
" You do, you guys deserve each other . What you have is real." Robin smiled. "So just be happy."
" You're absolutely right."
" Baby, where are you taking me?" My girl hollered from the bathroom, steam rolling out from under the door as she showered.
I opened up the door and stepped inside." I told you it was a surprise Princess. I'm taking you out for your birthday."
" But baby, I need to know what to wear!!"
" You look amazing in everything you wear. "
" Well how about my birthday suit? That would be fitting right? Since it's my birthday?" She opened up the curtain and flashed me, winking.
" If we didn't have dinner reservations I'd pull you out of that shower right now , you naughty girl and give you your birthday spankings . I suppose it will just have to wait till later."
" Looking forward to it. So dinner reservations...fancy, I take it we aren't eating at Benny's."
" Not for your birthday Sweetheart-"
" I would be happy with Benny's-"
" But tonight is a special occasion."
" Well since you know the plans and I don't you should go in and pick out my outfit."
I smirked." You would trust me to do that?"
" Of course! Go in my closet and pick out something for me to wear, lay it on the bed and I'll finish getting ready so we can go!"
" Alright Dollface." I walked out of the bathroom then went in and stood in front of the open closet door, skimming over my options. A dress, but what one? She looks absolutely gorgeous in everything, but my eyes stopped on a red one, spaghetti straps, flared skirt, I had seen her wear it to a wedding before. It was a little fancy but not too much. I took the hanger off the rod and laid the dress on the bed. Found a black pair of shoes and put them out as well. She would look beautiful.
I took the next couple of minutes to change my own outfit, black pants and a black button down shirt, then went out and paced in the living room.
I was so fucking nervous, I wanted everything to be perfect. While I was taking my sweet Angel out to a fancy dinner, our friends were going to be decorating a room at the Hideout where they would all be waiting to surprise her. And then we would finally dance.
" Ta-Da!"
I looked up and my jaw dropped. There she was in her red dress looking absolutely stunning .
" You look gorgeous Sweetheart, I don't even have the words.." I walked over to her and looked her over again. Her hair was down but one side was pinned back, in her ears she had small dangly pearl earrings and she was wearing a matching pearl pendant that was nestled between her perfect breasts. The dress was simple but the way her body filled it out in all the right places..
" You like?" She did a little twirl.
" Fuck yeah, I like. You look dynamite ." I wrapped my arms around her waist and pulled her close."Your so fucking beautiful."
She beamed up at me." You clean up nicely too Munson. I don't know if I have ever seen you wear real pants and a button down before, but you look fucking hot." Her hands slid behind me and she squeezed my ass." Are you sure we have to go?"
" Yes Princess we have to go, I mean look at us! We look fucking good! It would be a shame if we didn't show ourselves off." I kissed her forehead." I reserved a table at Enzo's , a nice intimate spot-"
" You got us a table at Enzo's?"
" Yeah Darling, best seat in the house. "
She smiled. " You spoil me baby."
" Its your day, you deserve it." I lightly kissed her lips, mindful of the makeup she had carefully applied earlier." Let's go celebrate!"
Dinner had been amazing. We sat in a quiet ,cozy corner of the restaurant, drinking wine , the candlelight flickering on my girl's beautiful face.  It was so romantic.
And now we were walking into the Hideout where all of our friends were waiting to surprise her. When we rounded the corner they all jumped out and cheered." Surprise!"
She gasped and smiled." Holy Shit! A party? I thought we were just coming for a drink! This is amazing! " She wrapped her arms around me and squeezed. "This is too much Baby!"
I kissed the top of her head." Not at all." I lifted her chin up with my finger and kissed her lips. " Happy birthday Sweetheart. I love you."
She smiled again." I love you so much. Thank you."
I squeezed her one more time then let her go. I watched as she walked around the room and said hi to everyone. She looked so happy.
" So lover boy are you nervous?" Steve asked , patting me on the shoulder.
" I feel like I have fucking bats instead of butterflies flying around in my stomach."
" Your going to be fine. Have a drink, relax, you've got this. And if you fuck up, no big deal she's going to love you anyway. "
" I know that, I just don't want to look like a dumbass. "
" You always do."
" Asshole."
" Seriously though you've done great, especially since you had zero experience."
" The teasing from the boys is going to be relentless I just know it. I'm going to have to kick some ass." I looked over at Dustin, Lucas , Will and Mike, as they chowed down at the food on the snack table .
" I don't know, I mean they all love your girl, I think that they will respect you for doing something that makes her happy."
" Hopefully." I watched her flutter around the room,chatting and smiling and decided Steve was right, it was time for a little liquid courage.
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