Dancing Rabbits- Chapter 7 - Part 1

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I get ready and meet Draco before we head down my arm wrapped around his arm, aka looped together

We look down seeing loads upon loads of people within the room

We go down the stairs seeing people looking towards us as we to down

We go onto the floor, and Draco drags us towards the Minister to greet him

"It's good to see you Minister"

Minister- "you too, I have had it ear to ear with Dumbledore panicking about you, about where you have gone and everything after checking the house that used to be your horrible families which he realised their now in prison so you can't be their with them, but don't worry, I won't tell him your here, it's more likely someone else is going to tell that you are here"

Harry- I nod "it's fine, he can know I am here and I won't happily go with him, he can try to force me but he isn't strong enough to do so, I know because that old man is getting weaker and weaker as his age drags on"

Minister- he nods "I too have noticed the supposed Powerful Dumbledore age is finally getting to him but unfortunately that doesn't take away his Headmaster roles unfortunately, I am the Minister but people are going to complain if I take the man's role from him, even though he has obviously allowed alot of bad things happened within hogwarts but unfortunately people are still going to argue that he is a good headmaster or whatever, stupid Dumbledore followers"

Harry- I hear the front door slamming open with the few people including Draco, Lucius, Narcissia, The Minister, Tom and many more stand in front of me

I look between them seeing Dumbledore is standing there within the middle of the room with his wands out with Molly, Arthur, Remus, Moody and Tonks all standing their with their wands out

Percy- he walks over standing next to the Minister as he was invited to the ball as he works with the Minister

"What are you doing here, Mother and Father?"

Arthur- "I should say the same to you son, I am disappointed in you, coming to this death eater party"

Percy- "look around you father everyone but you from the Ministry was invited, so this is no death eater ball but a more on a relaxing conference meeting but with music, food and drink"

Minister- "thank you for speaking up Mr Weasley, you will be rewarded for it as I like to treat my people within the Ministry right, as for you Arthur Weasley because not only you been in work but also now a criminal, you were fired weeks ago when finding the truth about your family, Aurors arrest them all" they tried to attack back which just adds onto them not only trespassing but the Weasley's crimes increase

He turns to Harry as they are being taken away behind him "well sorry of this situation and for our chat to be short, goodbye Mr Potter" he looks to the Malfoy's "and thank you for inviting my people to your ball" which he got smiles and nods from the three of them before turning and leaving with saying "come on Percy as I bet you will happily like to have a chat with you family for them to admit everything that you told after I got those vow spells off of you"

Percy- he smirks "happily Minister" he says following the man out

Draco- "oh Harry you really like to cause a drama don't you"

Harry- "what I wasn't planning on this happening"

Draco- he pats his shoulder "I know love, I know but the drama follows you even if you like or not, now come of let's dance"



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