Bloody Hell Mate - Chapter 2 - Part 1

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I sit in detention writing down all the defence techniques and different types of meaning of different kinds of spells

I wonder when he is going to pop the questions seeing as I have been at this for the past twenty minutes and seeing as detention is an hour and a half, making wonder how long is this silence going to take

Another ten minutes later then it happens

Severus- "why didn't you tell the headmaster about the abuse both your family and Weasley wise?"

Harry- "he already knew"

Severus- "yet he allowed it to continue happening on both parties?"

Harry- I nod "yes, why else do you think Dumbledore has been paying the Dursley's to abuse and neglect me throughout the years and he was giving money to Weasley including Weasley himself with his family taking money from my school and Potter vault whenever they could, when they were out shopping. The other brothers aren't invovled with all do this as the twins, Percy, Bill and Charlie have never agreed with their ways"

Severus- "so all the three of them, Molly, Arthur, the twins, Percy and Dumbledore knew about your home life. Why if the twins and percy knew, and don't agree with their parents ways, why didn't they tell anyone especially seeing as Percy works within the Ministry now by the Minister side?"

Harry- "isn't it obvious the parents made their children to vow to never speak of their ways, the only two that aren't vowed is Ron and Ginny because they agreed with their ways. They couldn't talk even if they wanted to. The twins could happy talk about my abuse though as they are vowed towards that just the other crimes their parents, siblings and Dumbledore has committed"

Severus- "why kill Ron Weasley instead of punishing him?"

Harry- "he was gone for a week and three days, since he had been missing from the 21st, without anyone finding him, the night I sent the organs out was the night he died, on the night of the 30th of September, when I sent those boxes out. I had been torturing him the very moment I kidnapped him from his bed on the 21st, he had been in pain since I took him to my little hiding spot. Speaking of that" I pulled out three large jars "Basilisk Vemon, some how even though its dead, I could get the Vernon some how from it still. There all yours with a price"

Severus- "hush present?"

Harry- I nod "you guessed right, these are to keep you quiet of every conversation we will have throughout the next two weeks. So you can have them if you keep quiet about all out conversations"

Severus- he smirked "I will happily take them and keep quiet, after all I ain't loyal to Dumbledore remember"

Harry- "but the dark lord you definitely are loyal too"

Severus- he nods "indeed, as I might not know 100% about Dumbledore but I know for sure he is not a very nice man who should be ruling the light side of this war or ruling at all as he needs to be taken down before he goes to far with his ways. Voldemort decided to have you protected as he wished not to kill you now and that you will eventually be on his side or atleast work with him to win this war"

Harry- I nod "I will happily fight against Dumbledore but I am unsure of joining his side yet as I fear he will make me end up being just one of his usual followers, I want to be in the same position as him as I don't take orders from others as people have tried doing so in the past"


Once detention had finished I heard someone following me from behind, I turn a corner and hide seeing Hermione following me.

I grab her covering her mouth and pulling her into a classroom as she panic.

I push her away from me making sure everything is locked and their is a silencing charm coveting the room

"Why are you following me Hermione?"

Hermione- "because I know its you who killed Ron, I didn't believe it at first because how could you of all people kill Ron. How could of you easily gotten him to where you killed him in the first place without him being awake and fighting"

Harry- I sit down on a desk not being bothered of being accused of killing Weasley "I didn't kill him Hermione"

Hermione- she huffed "yes you did and I am going to prove it" she says marching to the door to only find herself fall to the ground wrapped from neck to toe by rope and something in and covering her mouth as her eyes widen in fear as she knows she has been caught by him and just knows, he is going to do what he did to Ron to her as well

Harry- I make a tuting noise as I shake my head "oh Hermione, what have you got yourself into. Now come on dear as we have an eventful night ahead of us as you certainly aren't going to be able to prove it was me this whole time, as I can't have that going out, and guess what no one would believe you are I have been sweet innocent hero Harry this whole time and within the past, they will never believe you, they will just think you have gone crazy or feel like blaming someone to make you feel better about yourself. Now come on, we don't have all day"



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