Part 2

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I head downstairs in the morning, I had decided to stay in my bed last night as I didn't want to waste the whole bedroom process situation, that plus since getting with Draco always been staying in his bed at Hogwarts, maybe every now and again I can sneak into his bed but maybe some space will keep us in order and cause less arguments which have been happening every now and again at hogwarts but nothing to serious of course

I head into the walking wardrobe seeing that some of my clothes have already arrived and are all hanged or in place

I head over picking out a place turtle neck long sleeved jumper and some black jeans, with black socks to wear of course

I put everything on after having a quick shower and heading downstairs which took my breath out again

I head into the dinning room which is all lit up and looking very beautiful compaired to the dark gloomy scenery the meetings have

I notice we have more people here today. Not just Draco, Lucius, Narcissia and me but also Severus, Bellatrix, Bellatrix husband with his brother, Barty crouch and the rat

"Whats the spy, rat traitor doing here?"

Voldemort- "don't worry I have him on a leash, he made him not able to say anything to Dumbledore about what happens within these walls every again, especially seeing at times he can be quite useless, you might not see it be he definitely does everything that I say plus, he brought me back to my normal self, even though he truly is on Dumbledore side and Dumbledore planned it but yeah unfortunately I own him plus he is sneaky and can get into place to get me things which I can get"

Harry- I sigh sitting down "fine". I feel Draco hand on my left leg giving me a squeeze to make sure I am okay and to keep my calm.

I have my plate already done for me which yeah is abit annoying but it's fine

"Thank you, love but you don't have to plate my food for me, I am capable of doing it myself"

Draco- he sighs "fine" before he moves his hand away and carries on with his food

Harry- I know I have hurt and annoyed him but atleast he knows that I can do it and that I ain't helpless, I put some whip cream onto my pancake after getting rid of the butter that draco put on it. I added strawberries and blueberries on top with abit of golden syrup, yes don't judge me that I am acting like a child when it comes to my pancakes

Bellatrix- "so I noticed you and my nephew are together, how is that going?"

Harry- I looked at her with wide eyes, shocked that she is actually trying to chat like a normal situation, instead of well acting crazy or saying something grousome or sad "well it's going well, we started dating in November time so not too long ago from now, well its beeb atleast four weeks already basically a month but yeah, we have been hanging around each other all the time when we can, unless when we are in different lesson. I have taken the step to sit at the Slytherin table as I am waiting to do that, plus their no gossip about us being together as Draco here wishes to keep it under wraps until we shove it right into Dumbledore face which I didn't argue with at all because it will be a funny situation"

Bellatrix- "good, make sure to run over, jump into his lap and kiss him, Dumbledore would totally love to see that"

Harry- I smirk "I bet he will"

Bellatrix- "after breakfast, let me show you to the library and show you a few amazing Books on my favourite spells, trust me you will love them and might be able to use them if we ever have a battle"

Harry- I look to Draco who doesn't look to sure about it but nods his head as he knows his aunt will eventually get to me, and will eventually show me these said spells, obviously not on me but she would keep going on about it either way

I look back to her, seeing her brightly smiling with joy instead of looking well the usual insane crazy, she even has her hair tidy and pulled back into a bobble "sure, plus I was wondering where the libaray is anyway way, so two birds with one stone situation"



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