'all I care to see'

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We held hands smiling giddily, we felt like kids who agreed to keep each other company...there isn't anything wrong with being childish. Our fingers stay intertwined but we refuse to meet each other's gaze. Smiling to ourselves felt right. 

We reached the back of the palace again, just before the guests danced and the soft music resonated from the instruments within. 

"Niran" he calls and I look back "Would you like to join me for a dance?" he questions, extending his arm as his legs gracefully crossed one behind the other. "You don't have to fear anyone's gaze, it's just us here" he says smiling warmly at me. I didn't respond and only stood there weighing my thoughts. 

He walks over to me and takes my hand, placing it on his shoulder, and then proceeds to hold my waist. I didn't object... only let it happen. "Darling..." he calls and I look straight at him "I don't know how to dance" I break my silence and he chuckles "You've made that clear, that is why I'll help you," he says tightening the grip on my waist and begins moving according to the music from inside the palace. 

"Place your feet here, opposite to mine" he instructs as I try to do as told, my body felt stiff unable to feel the steps I am taking. "You can't dance if you decide to pose as a stone" he jokes, twirling me around "Very funny" I mutter "Did you say something?" he says pulling me in and placing a kiss on my lips but moves away abruptly. 

"Just move to the music Niran, you'll get the hang of it" he whispers into my ears now kissing my temple "Just follow me" he holds me again and we move accordingly, I keep my focus on our legs taking in each move, I could feel his eyes on me...I could feel the soft smile on his face. 

Slowly yet surely my body loosens up and I let his arms and the music take control, I look away from the ground and into his eyes, the music is all I can hear...the laughter and clatter from the inside vanish...his lips and his smile is all I could see, all I cared to see. 

"I told you..." he whispers "You're a quick learner" he comments placing his forehead on mine. I smile foolishly at his words "Now you take the lead," he says and breaks away from me taking a few steps back. 

"Alright then" I said "But why move away?" I question "I can't simply be your partner," he says and my eyes look at him questioningly. "Ask me to join you" he lifts his chin and puts both his arms behind his back. I smile at his actions "Well then, would you like to join me for a dance, young sir?" I ask trying hard not to laugh and he too holds in a chuckle. I walk closer to him giving him my hand "Why I would love to" he says and gently gives me his hand.

I held his right hand and interlocked our fingers, placing one arm on his waist. I started moving to the rhythm of the music, doing the best I could, while he lovingly kept his eyes on me. "You're doing great," he said. "That's good to hear" I replied. The music picked up pace, and so did our dance. Our legs moved faster, and the turns became more frequent. The joy on our faces was apparent as we relished the moment.

He hugs me as the music slows down and I can feel his breaths, heavy against my chest. The sweat of his forehead that glittered under the subtle moonlight,  the way his dampened hair stuck to the sides of his face, the scent of his skin. He pulls away from the hug his breath moving away from my neck left me cold. 

I brought his face closer to mine and yearningly pressed our lips together, we melted into the kiss our lips parting but..."Hey! Someone's here" we heard a voice from near the gate and we pulled away immediately. We both wiped our lips and straightened our backs with our arms behind us. Two guards approach us holding lanterns and their other arm held onto their swords hung around their hips "Who is there!" one of them yells as they come into clear view. 

They approached us and shoved the lanterns in our faces, both of them shorter than us. Their angry expressions shatter upon seeing it is us "Sir Elysian and..." he stumbles "Niran" I help and he nods "Squire Niran" he ends and they both bring down the lanterns "What is it that you doing at the back of the palace this late at night?" one of them questions taking a few steps back after noticing Elysian's irritated look. 

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