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I walk away with a surprisingly pleasant feeling as I've made a friend in a place foreign to me 'Made new friend' is not something I get to say a whole lot but I felt good. I made my way to the main market which is also the biggest in the whole of Kalon so we call it the Central. If I thought the marketplace in my small town was too crowded then I was definitely up for a wrong as people poured from everywhere, the commotion only seeming to grow as more people entered the Central than leave. I saw a huge Sundial in the middle and only stared in awe. This was surreal to me, I would have never thought I would get to step foot here I am going to the palace itself, from the distance I could see the huge palace peering down at all that happened below. "I'm late" I mutter under my breath looking at the time. I needed to be on the castle grounds in 5 minutes or else ill be done. I run clutching my small bag tightly pushing past the never-ending sea of people and wincing from the muttered curses from around me "Apologies!" I shout every few seconds as I struggled to squeeze past them. I finally made it to the front of the palace, the stupendous-sized gate in front of me still refusing to believe someone like me will get to enter the palace grounds.

"what are you doing here?" a voice pushes me out of my thoughts as I look to the side to see two men looking at me like I'm a criminal "I..um..greetings sir I'm Niran and I'm here as per the recruitment, I've been recruited for the swor-" I was interrupted "stand right there while I check the list" I purse my lips and nod "Niran Allard, aged 23 am I right" I nod "yes sir" he motions few other guards standing to the side and the rush to the gate pulling it open with all their might "you may now step in," one of them says and I do as told "follow me, boy, welcome to Palace Kalon," a particularly jolly guard says throwing his arms around my shoulder. We walk around the palace as I gawked at the immense beauty of the substantial structure, intricate beautiful designs littered across the walls and majestic statues built all around it "Good lord" I whispered under my breath as I heard a laugh coming from the man beside me "glamourous isn't it" he asked and I look up at him, I won't be lying if I said the man was abnormally tall "definitely" he smiles. 

We reached the back of the palace and in front of me lay a big, don't mistake my words enormous plot of land, the perimeter surrounded by bushes and trees but the plot itself covered with fine sand. The land was marked in several areas and structures made of wood were Strategically placed around the field. The land seemed to stretch for acres on acres with metal gates protecting the entrance. "this boy is the training grounds where you will learn to fight for thy kingdom" the man said with utmost seriousness it almost made me want to laugh at the sudden change in his attitude "you're joining the swordsmen aren't you?, you do look like you can wield one" he chuckles "was that a joke" I ask "no definitely not, you are under Sir elysian so you'll learn eventually" he pats my shoulder "who is Elysian?" his eyes widen "that Sir Elysian to you, don't just say his name that like disrespect to the person itself" he continues "listen, boy, here at the palace people in higher positions value their respect a little too much and even addressing them wrong is enough to get on their bad side" I nod understandingly. 

"Who is 'Sir' Elysian anyway" The man seemed to be looking for someone or something for that matter "Oh he is a knight here at the palace" I was taken aback "A..knight?" he hums. Knights are exquisite fighters and work for the best interest of their people but I've never seen one in person so that's interesting I suppose "Don't underestimate him when I say 'knight' his value here is much higher than just an ordinary knight, he is one of the most trusted men to the king; its not wrong if I say he was raised by the king and queen themselves" I was confused but asked nothing further. "there they are, seems they've started a little early" I look up and see a group of men marching forward with a soldier in front directing them. There were about three groups of men all lined up perfectly which I guessed were grouped according to which category they decided to join. "stop!" the soldier yells and the whole legion behind him halts. "That is  Erik, he is one of the top soldiers here, a wonderful fighter, and will be taking care of the overall training," the man says, and 'Erik' smiles "whose this young man you've got Finn" I got to know the name of the man that was with me all this time "this is...Niran Allard am I right?" I nod "he will be joining the swordsmen "Another one for sir elysian I see" Erik smiles "This will be your batch" he points to the second group of men "You may join them, oh and you can place your bag wherever and take it once we are over," he says and I felt good that everyone I've met so far seems pleasant.   

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