
14 4 4

TW: this chapter contains slight mentions of murder and gore, if you are uncomfortable or  squeamish about such topics pls consider skipping this chapter 


The gentle orange rays of the sun gushed into our chamber as I quietly walked towards the window, opening the windows to peer outside. It wasn't too bright as the sun hadn't yet fully risen yet but enough to light up barely the greenery below. It was cold as the breeze made me shiver; I closed my eyes and let myself listen to the life around me, and for a moment all my worries washed away. The beautiful feeling of peace filled me, I felt afloat. I smiled gently at the thought of yesterday and thanked myself for being willing enough to confront him. I wished I could feel this way forever.

"friend, why are you up so early?" I heard a deep voice behind me, immediately recognizing who it came from. I turned around to see Felix sat up straight on his bed, rubbing his eyes not rid of sleep. I figured he was disturbed by the sudden cold and the light that fell right onto his bed. "my apologies, did I wake you?" he exhales deeply "Maybe, but that's all right" he continues "Why are you up anyway?....listen Niran sleep here is so darn precious, I'm surprised I haven't collapsed on the fields yet so rest while you can! Silas told me about you being unable to sleep due to the cold?" he asks and I nod knowing well that was a lie "Well then, take my blanket I never use it anyway" he looked at me concerned "I appreciate that friend, but there's no need... I'm just used to being up before the sun" and yet again another lie, I don't remember the last time I got up so early back at home. Felix nodded as he ran his hand through his blond hair before laying back down. I quickly closed the windows and made my way toward my bed as I didn't want to disturb the ones that were actually able to find sleep any further. 

Not long passed before we were yet again rudely awoken by a mysterious entity, I still haven't had the luck of figuring out who this man is, the only explanation being he can fly across doors. I walk outside and was greeted by others as I happily return them a 'good morrow' like that another terrible morning found its start.

We assembled on the field as we followed our daily regime, Silas was already whining and Felix determined to call the infirmary on him, they two always seem to fight but not in a way that concerned it seemed endearing actually. I could barely focus on what we were told to do keeping my eyes peeled for any sight of Elysian, he never came 'he must be busy' I thought. Brunch passed, luncheon passed and finally, training was over and it was time for supper still Elysian never came. "why do you think Elysian wasn't on the fields today?" I asked Silas as I kept staring at the entrance to the dorm hall. "That devil?! *scoffs* Lord knows...training was much endurable without him and that's all I care" Silas responds as he continues to stuff his face with pudding, "are you going to eat that?" he points at mine "No, you may have it you want" I reply and his eyes widen "not going to have your pudding?!, such treachery...wasting this once in a while opportunity" he exclaims "I will not let you waste it so ill have it" I chuckle and Felix hits Silas with a spoon "didn't you just steal mine!?" Felix asks "But he doesn't want it, why are you so bothered?" Silas questions as Felix shakes his head in disappointment. 


"Can I meet Elysian?" I asked the person who stood outside his door, if he wasn't there yesterday then why today? "SIR- Elysian you mean?" he corrects me "Yes, my apologies" "Also, you may not as he has particularly requested NO ONE is allowed to meet him until morn...why are you here anyway?" he asked. The man was tall, middle-aged, and had a gruff noise, startling to say nonetheless. "That so?...can you please tell him it's urgent?" he shakes his head "If it is about any fights happening among the men you may take it up with soldier Erik" He rolls his eyes. "This is to be discussed with Ely- Sir Elysian himself" I stood adamant, the man didn't want to deal with me anymore "If he denies even once then you leave right away! Is that clear young man!?" he berates "Very". He raises his hand to knock "Who must I say you are?" he questions "Niran" I reply as he nods. He knocks on the door once, then twice still no reply "See, didn't I tell-" the man starts but before he could end "Didn't I tell you to not disturb me until morn, what is it you want!?" the door opens as Elysian shouts making the man go pale. "Sir...someone wants to meet you, he said its urgent," the man says meekly "I told you to stand in front of my door for this reason, can't you obey even-!?" he shouts louder "Sir it's me..." I said quietly and Elysian stops. I couldn't see anything as he refused to open the door at all but upon hearing understanding it was only me, he sighs and opens the door enough for me to be let in "Come in..." The guard looks at me shook at how quickly Elysian's tone changed and moves aside for me to enter. 

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