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DISCLAIMER : This is a work of fiction and not meant to depict actual events. It includes sensitive content that may be uncomfortable for some readers. Please be mindful of your emotional well-being when reading, and exercise caution if the themes are distressing.

Oh Ha Rin

A girl with a calm presence and a kind brown eyes. She radiates her natural beauty, not only through her long, soft, brown hair that flows in gentle waves, but also with her calm and humble demeanor. However, her life takes an unexpected turn when she receives a diagnosis that shatters her world. Soon, she meets her sunshine, Byun Baekhyun.

Byun Baekhyun

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Byun Baekhyun

A boy who radiates a very bright "puppy" energy. He's very kind and cheerful to everyone around him. However, behind his smile lights everyone else's faces, he carries the weight of an illness he's been battling since childhood.

Baekhyun doesn't wear his illness as a badge of honor, nor does he attempt to conceal it. He's a very authentic boy who inspires those around him to cherish his every moment without ever needing to utter a word about his struggles.

Baekhyun is everyone's sunshine, but little did he know, he'd find his own sunshine too.


Message from Author :

Hello everyone! <3

This is my first English fanfic~ I'm planning to revise and repost each chapter with some changes to the plot.

I'm really sorry if there are any grammar mistakes, as English is not my first language!

Thank you for reading and please support my story by voting and leaving comments!

Thankyou~ <3

I will post Chapter 1 as soon as possible. Please wait for me and enjoy the story~ :D

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