Part 6

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"Amma, why to do it together? we can as well do it separately, then there would be no issues with adjustment of time and all?" Khushi was informed that both the families would do shopping together for the wedding. Together they have planned to visit the Pandit to finalise the dates for engagement and wedding.

"What do you mean by why? this is the best opportunity for you to understand your new family and get comfortable around them, you do know that you have to live with them in few days/ months." Garima and Shashi have decided it's best for their daughter to be around the family, in this way she can adjust better after her marriage.

"Fine, whatever you and babuji decides" with that she marched to the room to get ready.


"So it's finalised, wedding would be in the next month, whereas engagement would be conducted by the end of this month." Manohar Raizada, Arnav's father, concluded after meeting the Pandit and looked at Shashi Gupta to give affirmation on the same.

"Engagement is fine, I was hoping for a little bit of more time for the wedding ceremony, there is so much to do, with very little time.." he couldn't say further. They were happy for their daughter's next phase in life but they never imagined her to part with them so early.

"Shashi Ji, why do you have to worry? we are here and together we would do everything, what do you say Latha?" asking his wife to support his words.

"Yes, Yes of course we are there." she smiled.

With that the dates and venue are fixed, Gupta's would be hosting the engagement at their residence as the guests would be only close relatives of the families and the wedding would be conducted at a function hall while the reception from the groom's side would be conducted at Raizada's residence after the wedding.


All through the day Arnav tried to speak to his would-be bride, tried to catch her eye while the dates were getting finalised, but other than the formal hello with a small smile at the start of the day, there was no luck. Ten more minutes to reach Gupta's house, if he doesn't take matter into his hands then for sure the day is going to end with just his unsuccessful trails. Taking a deep breath, he turned towards Shashi Gupta.

"Uncle, if it's ok with you, I would like to take Khushi for a coffee. I promise we would be nearby" there everything said in a single breath. Now the ball is in the father-in-law's court. With his parents too beside, he was confident the man wouldn't deny straight away.

"Sure Beta, Go ahead." he has given his word but still tried to look at Khushi through the mirror for her to show any sign of discomfort, other than the stiffness in her shoulders there is nothing suspicious.


After reaching Gupta's place, Arnav's parents were invited to have some refreshments while the couple made their way to the nearest cafe.

"There, the table is unoccupied, let's sit there." Arnav moved towards the farther end with Khushi in tow.

"What would you like to have?" going through the menu card he asked, glancing at the lady in front of him once in a while. She hasn't spoken a word till now.

"Pine apple juice" she said, eyeing the juice counter near their table. It was the only stall which didn't have any customers waiting to get served and the person sitting behind the stall looked like he wasn't busy with orders.

"Sure, I'll go with black coffee, we can have some sandwiches too," saying so he tried to catch the eye of an attendant to take the order.

"I hope you are ok being here" with his elbows on the table bending forward he questioned.

"Hmm" her head still bowed down.

"What about the dates then? Are you okay with them?" he probed.

"Hmm" answer came from her with head bent still.

"I never knew you were this shy type girl, that you wouldn't look at me, now that I became your fiance." he smiled.

"It's nothing like that" finally she graced him with the view of her face rather than the view of her head he was getting the whole day.

Thirty more minutes and Arnav couldn't find any more topics to discuss as Khushi was only answering his questions, he can see she was not actively participating to keep up the conversation. He can understand it was all too sudden for her. Maybe she needs more time to adjust to his presence.

"Let's go, we will be meeting for shopping next weekend, so we can continue to know each other more than." with that he stood up and made way towards the exit.


Khushi was messaging her neck when her phone beeped a message from NK again with a congratulatory message on finalising the dates, and asking further details on the short date, ignoring it she concentrated on pressing the sore spot. The whole day she was stiff with neck bent down. This was the longest she was in such a position and her neck and shoulders are troubling her now.

With everything happening at high speed, she doesn't want people to recognise her confused state, it's better they think it as her shyness. Her thoughts jumped to their time at the cafe, she can sense Arnav trying to be a gentleman, he was making efforts, she didn't have the heart to dismiss him, he was genuinely trying to know her, but she still couldn't bring it on her to smile and be cordial with him even after all this.


The shopping for engagement was done separately as Arnav had unavoidable work to be finished, stopping him from joining. Meanwhile in the span of twenty days they spoke on the phone twice, once while finalising their dress and the second was for finalising the rings. Khushi spoke to her mother-in-law and sister-in-law Anjali once. Anjali was married and staying with her husband and daughter in Bangalore. The exchange of messages have picked up the pace, that is if you consider the one-word answers from Khushi, which was an improvement from before her ignoring the messages completely.

Even though her interactions with the new family are minimal, she knew Arnav and his father were in constant touch with Shashi Gupta, as they made preparations for the big day.

Hope the length of update is as promised.

Dear reader's awaiting your likes and comments. Your likes and comments are my encouragement to write more and update frequently.


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