Chapter 14 Isamu

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Now I work hard to make that change. 

I am the change.

"Isamu, hey Isamu?"

"Huh? Oh sorry Jackie, I was so caught up in my work", I said. 

"I know you're a busy bee."

I chuckled. 

"So are you these days."

"Mind taking a break now?"

I looked around at my desk to see I had a ton of stuff still left to do but she did ask me about five times now to come take a break, I do need one. 

"Okay, but not too long, I really have to get back to work. I promise to make it up to you, okay?"


"So, where are we going", I asked as we walked the halls. 

"Just across the street to that new cafe, I want to try it out. They sell boba", she said excitedly. 

"You'll turn into a boba if you keep drinking those."

"Wouldn't that be awesome!"

"No, I'm attracted to tapioca pearls."

She laughed. 

"Well, they are attracted to me."

I took her hand, linking our fingers together as we crossed the street and into the cafe.  After placing our orders and paying, we took a seat. It didn't take long for our drinks to be ready despite how busy it is right now. I got up to get it and then came back to sit down. 

"Okay, so what's so urgent about this break that you asked me to take a billion times."

"One billion and one times."

I chuckled again. 


"I got a present for you."


She took out a small box and slid it across the table towards me. 

"What's the occasion", I asked. 

"Every day is an occasion, don't you like being spontaneous?"

"It depends on what it is."

I started opening the box while glancing at her a bit to try and figure out what this was all about. She just sat there sipping on her drink, happily waiting for me to see what was inside. 

Inside the box sat a small envelope on top of some paper tissue that was covering something else. I started to dig to the bottom. 

"No, no, read first and then you get the present", she scolded. 

I let out a sigh and then opened the envelope. 

"I'm two months old", I read. 


"What the heck is this supposed to mean?"

"Now you can go digging."

I removed the paper tissue to see there was a stick and below that a picture of something, it was black and white so I couldn't make out what it was. 

I looked at the stick which appeared to be some type of testing tool and then I looked at the picture. 

"You know for someone as brilliant as you Mr. CEO, you can't clue together the objects you have in your hand."

"Hold on a moment, I still have a headache from earlier", in a grumpy tone. 

"Sure you do, typical excuse."

I squinted my eyes trying to think about what I was holding as if that would work. 

"Okay, I see your name and date on the picture and...something with four things sticking out. Then this stick here...", I said as I noticed I was holding it upside down. "This says...pregnant..."

My eyes kept moving from the picture to the test stick a few more times until finally, it clicked. 

"Wait...", I said as I dropped everything. 

"Surprise", she said in a small voice. 

" is"

She nodded. 

Holly shit!

I shot up from my seat.

"Are you serious?"

"I'm pretty sure I'm growing a tiny human, I know when I saw little Boba I was like, what? A tiny human and so I--"

I picked her up, spinning her around. That really got everyone's attention in the cafe. It got a laugh out of her. 

"Wait so I got you pregnant...", I thought back about two months. 

"At the Japanese sex hotel."

"At the sex hotel...crap", I said as I set her back down on her feet. "Sorry...I...I mean...I'm not surprised but still for this to have happened, if I had known I should have done better, as in picked a better place."

"And how were you supposed to know the future? I find this a great story to tell Boba someday", she said with a giggle. 

"Yeah, and it all started when you got lost."

"Best thing ever", she said. 

I leaned in to kiss her gently, not wanting to stop but I had to since we literally had eyes on us. I could spot a few phones out now but I didn't care. 

Life has changed 360 for me, it has gotten better than I could have ever imagined. Not only am I a CEO now, I'm a dad but I can do better. Not just for our baby but for Jackie. 

"I have a surprise for you", I said. 

"No you don't, you just don't want to look like a cheapskate in front of all of these people", she said. 

"Hey, I'm not cheap, freeloader."

"Am not", said said as she slapped my shoulder. 

"Anyway, shush. Let me talk."

She got quiet but let out a pout. 

"You're giving me something I could never give you but at least I could make things complete."

"Make what complete?"


"Marry me."

Thank you Jackie for getting lost. For helping a lost man like me find his way, for completing me, and for giving me the world. 

Love, Isamu.


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