Chapter 1

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              "Get up."  I say gently to the young Togruta on the floor.  Ahsoka Tano.  A small girl who was as fierce and stubborn as a grown Jedi twice her age was.  She sighs frustratingly and grabs my outstretched hand.  I give her her lightsaber and she takes it grudingly.

                "Now, let's try this again."  I say while getting into a fighting stance.  She also gets into one, holding out her lightsaber at me.  I wait for her to come at me, and like always I don't have to wait long.  Ahsoka charges at me at full speed, letting out a battle cry and jumping in the air.  I easily block her lightsaber and force push her against the wall.  "Tiny, breath.  I want you to stop being so impatient and approach me at the right time-"  Before I even finished she jumps right back up and flips towards me.  Her fighting style was just like mine, more acrobatic than anything else.  Ahsoka lets out a frustrated groan when I again block her with ease, an amused smile on my face.  The young Togruta flips away and we dance around each other.  Blocking and pushing, it lasted longer than the other sessions.  We went back and forth, back and forth.  Each trying to best the other until I managed to graze her leg with my lightsaber.  She stumbles and falls on the floor, painfully holding her leg.

                   "Seriously!  Why do you always win!"  I let out a soft chuckle at her immature comment.  The fourteen year old grumpily let me look at her leg.  I put my hand over the injury and healed it.  It wasn't bad at all, just a little pain for her.

                    "Because I'm more patient than you.  Ahsoka, you seriously need to learn patience.  Jumping at your enemies won't win this war.  We need people who are brave and patient."   Ahsoka pretends to pout while I help her to stand.

                     "But I'm both of those things!"  I give her a look.  Ahsoka was brave, but I would describe her more as rash.  Patient, no.  I smile fondly down at her while we walk out of the training room.

                      "Ahsoka Tano, the most I've ever seen you be patient was constructing your lightsaber.  That only took a couple of minutes."  She scowls at me and we burst out laughing.  The other Jedi in the hallway giving us weird stares as we pass.  I wrap my hands lovingly around her shoulders and lean my head on top of hers.

                      "Stop doing that."  I look down at her. 

                       "Stop doing what?"  I ask jokingly.

                        "You make me feel even shorter than I actually am when you put your head on mine.   I'm not even that short!"  The fourteen year old says, exasperated.

                         "Yes you are.  Remember Tiny, you will forever be tiny to me.  Even if you grow taller than me."  I say, using her nickname that she hated.  She glares at me and I laugh.

                          "Stop calling me that, Zaniyah!  I'm fourteen!  That was my nickname when I was FIVE!"  Ahsoka says, getting even more frustrated.  I had known Ahsoka since she was brought here by Master Plo Koon.  Trained her, cried with her, laughed with her, argued with her, we were sisters.  Not in blood, but in heart.  She could never replace my other sisters in my heart, but she had her very own place.  

                          "Zaniyah?"  She asked, her tone turning serious.  I lifted my head off of hers and looked down at her.

                           "Yes, 'Soka?"  I responded.

                         "Do you think I'll get a Master soon?"  I frowned at her question.  I had told Master Yoda that she was ready to become a Padawan, he also agreed with me.  Ahsoka was far more advanced than her peers, she still had things to learn and her attitude to straighten out.  I was looking for the right Master, but I hadn't found one yet.

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