Chapter 1

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                 "Senator, we're making our final approach in to Coruscant." The Lieutenant tells Senator Amidala. Or her decoy, Corde. Senator Amidala has had multiple assainations attempts because of her side of the vote, so the Jedi Council choose me to protect her. It's been 6 months since her first assaination attempt. I haven't seen Courscant in that long, I attended the Council meetings on hologram.

              "Very good, Lieutenant." The Senator nods her head to him. She gives me a nervous glance and I smile at her. Corde is very nervous for Senator Amidala's life. Senator Amidala is on a fighter plane with Captain Panaka escorting her. I admire her handmaiden's bravery. They go into this job knowing that they have a high chance of dying, but they are more worried about Senator Amidala then themselves. I sense multiple lifeforms I'm familiar with. We've landed on Courscant! I cannot wait to see my master again. I walk beside Corde and another handmaiden. There is a couple of Nabooian troopers following us. 

              We walk down the ramp but before I could step off, I was flying through the air and landed hard on the landing pad. I black out for a couple of minutes and all I feel is severe pain. I wake up to someone shaking me and calling me. 

              "Zani! Zani, wake up. Please don't die on me." I open my eyes to see Padme staring at me in concern. I groan and try to push myself up but wince. Great, I probably broke my arm.

              "I'm alright. I think I broke my arm. Is Corde okay?" Padme puts her head down and I realize that she died. I couldn't feel her life force anymore, along with others. Captain Typho, the Nabooian Head of Security walked over to us.

        "Six others died, not counting Corde." I put my head down in defeat. I was assigned to protect Padme, I had failed miserably.

       "Senator, forgive me, I have failed you." She takes my good hand in both of hers. 

   "Zaniyah, you didn't fail me. I'm still here, we failed. We both lost Corde." Me and Padme were best friends, we were the same age and had similar likings. Also, she was good friends with my older sister. Duchess Satine of Mandalore. 

       "Help me up." She gently picked me up and I winced again. When I put pressure on my right foot, it hurt. It was probably sprained. 

       "Let's get you to the medbay." She wrapped a hand around my waist and Captain Typho did it to my other side. We all walked out the platform to the Jedi Temple first, then Padme would go to the Senate Building for the vote. 

                                     *Time Skip*

             A few hours in a bacta tank did me well. I could walk but with a slight limp. My hand felt better and was wrapped in bandages. I missed the Senate meeting, but I was called to attend a private meeting with the Chancellor and other members of the Jedi Council.

          "I don't know how much longer I can hold off the vote, my friends. More and more star systems are joining the separatists." Chancellor Palpatine says to the Jedi sitting across from him. Master Yoda, Plo Koon, Ki Ad Mundi, Mace Windu, with Master Luminara and her padawan standing behind them. I stand behind Master Yoda, fidgeting with my bandages.

         "If they do break away..." Mace Windu says frowning. I always call him Frowny Face Mace as a joke. I have always looked up to Mace as a father figure, but because of the Jedi code, strictly a mentor. Master Yoda was my master when I was a Padawan, but that was years ago. I was one of the youngest Jedi to pass the trials, I was 16. The Jedi Council said that I was "consumed by the light side." 

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