Chapter 14

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**Above picture is wedding dress, if y'all don't like it, y'all can do whatever you want**



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               I twirled in front of the mirror again, the white material of my dress swirling around.  This is it.  This is the day I'm going to get married to the man I love.  Married!  Goodness, if only my sisters could see me now...  They would both probably kill me.  I chuckled at that thought, oh how I missed them.  It had been so long since I last saw them, almost twelve years.  You wonder why so soon?  Well, my Master took me to Mandalore for some political problem they were having.  No one told me what it was about because apparently I was 'to young and immature to know,' my sister's words, not mine.  Maker I was angry at her, Satine always treated me like a child.  I guess I get it, she basically raised me and my sister after our parent's death.  

              "Zaniyah?"  I heard Anakin's voice behind the door.  I quickly grabbed my lace veil and placed it over my head.  Looking at my reflection one more time, I turned around and walked towards the door.  Placing my hand on the knob, take a deep breath, and open it.  Anakin stands in front of me, his eyes wide and his mouth open.  His eyes trail my short hair down to the dress.

             "Anakin?"  I say teasingly.  His eyes immediately look back to my face.

               "You look..."  I arch one eyebrow and place my hand on my hip, waiting for him to finish.

              "I look what?"  He suddenly pulls me against him and kisses me.  I wrap my hands around his neck while he places his hands on my hips.  Breaking the kiss he started kissing down my jaw and onto my neck.  I arched my neck in pleasure and closed my eyes.  His lips made it all the way to my ear and he tenderly nibbled it.  I let out a soft moan and he chuckled, placing his lips close to my ear.

               "Ni at sirbur gar haa'taylir mesh'la," (I was going to say you look beautiful.)  He whispered huskily.  My eyes flew open and I gasped in surprise.

               "Anakin Skywalker! Tion'tuur liser gar jorhaa'ir Mando'a?" (Since when do you know Mando'a.)  He chuckles and I glare at him.  I get so annoyed when he looks down at me.  I'm as tall as Satine, maybe even taller, but then this giant came along and dethroned me.  I was 5'10 after all, I enjoyed being taller than a lot of Jedi I know.

              "Gar... Shupur."(Since your injury.)  He says quietly, a dark look in his eye.  I smile at him and cup his cheek.

              "Kar'taylir darasuum, gev gar. Bic nayc gar, ni or'dinii at urmankalar ni ru'lis akaanir Soletar dooku bat ner solus." (Love, don't blame yourself.  It wasn't your fault, I was foolish to think I could fight Count Dooku on my own.)  He shook his head fiercely.

               "Gar kyr laam jate'shya than ni. Haa'taylir sha ner irud." (You ended up better than me.  Look at my arm.)  He said angrily and held out his arm, well, mechanical arm for me to see.  His robe sleeve slipping to reveal his clenched mechanical hand.  I gently grabbed it with both my hands and immediately felt the cold of the metal against my warm skin.  Separating the metal fingers and put my fingers through his.  He watched as I did this, not saying a word.  I knew Ani had always been sensitive about his hand, I asked Obi-Wan about it and he said he was still getting used to it.  

               "Vaabir nayc ibic gar Anakin, gar're bid kovid. Vaabir nayc kebi sa kih sa ibic ve'ganir o'r te ara be gar oyay." (Don't let this bother you Anakin, you're so strong.  Don't let something as small of this get in your way.)  I say gently.  He nods his head, his eyes a little dazed.  "Now, I believe there is a wedding we have to attend."  I say teasingly, his eyes immediately snap back to me and he smirks before holding out his arm.  Rolling my eyes and taking his arm, we walk down the hall of the Lake House.  Once Padme heard of me taking two weeks off, she insisted I stay at the Lake House for the duration of the time.  I accepted immediately, knowing this would be the perfect location for me and Anakin's wedding.  I was able to get a priest or whatever they call them to get us married.  I gave him fake names so he wouldn't know me and Anakin's identities.  Anakin couldn't get over the fact that his name was Darin Lurechia.  He laughed for about 10 minutes, while I just sat there with my cheeks red.  He laughed even harder when he heard the name I came up for myself.  Silvia Zylvastar.  He kept on teasing me about it, just like now.

             "After you Miss Zylvastar,"  He said, motion ing towards the door.  I glare at him.

             "Thank you, Dorin,"  He chuckles and we walk outside to meet the priest who was standing under an archway.  I smile at C-3PO, R2, and my droid D-O were witnesses to the wedding.  We walk over to the priest, he nods curtly towards us.  We face each other while he starts the ceremony.  I look at Anakin, all I could feel was pure bliss as I looked up at the man I loved.  He looked down at me with such love and adoration in his eyes, I wanted to cry, shout, dance, laugh, and sing all at the same time.  The scent of blooming flowers around us, the sun setting along the horizon.  It couldn't have been a more perfect day.  Anakin holds out his hands to me, part of the ceremony of course, and I take them without hesitating.  Shivering A little when I felt the cold metal of his hand against my flesh.

                "Do you Darin, take this woman to be your lawfully wedded wife, to live together in matrimony, to love her, comfort her, honor and keep her, in sickness and in health, in sorrow and in joy, to have and to hold, from this day forward, as long as you both shall live?"  Anakin nods and says those two words I've been dreaming about someone saying since I was young.

               "I do."  He smiles down at me and I can't help but smile back as a single tear falls down my cheek.

                "And do you Silvia, take this man to be your lawfully wedded husband, to live together in matrimony, to love him, comfort him, honor and keep him, in sickness and in health, in sorrow and in joy, to have and to hold, from this day forward, as long as you both shall live?"  I smile at the priest and also nod my head.

                  "I do."

                  "I know pronounce you man and wife.  You may kiss the bride." The priest walks away and I turn back towards Anakin.  I take a step closer, he slowly leans down, as if asking my permission.  I quickly close the gap between us, savoring the taste of his lips and the way our lips move together perfectly.  It's like we were made for each other, fitting together like two pieces of a puzzle.  We kiss.  And kiss.  And kiss.  And kiss.  Finally, and maybe reluctantly, we break the kiss and turn to watch the sun set.  Anakin wraps his arm around my waist, and I rest my head on his shoulder, basking in the almost orange glow of the setting sun.  I stood there with my husband, (Gosh that felt right to say), Nothing in the galaxy could bother us in that moment.  No lurking war, no creation of a Clone Army, no Temple, no rules, nothing could bother us in that moment.  


   OMG!!! Finally!!! I am literally so sorry everyone for not posting sooner!!! I can't believe how many reads this book has and I am crying.  You all are so supportive and I'm so sorry.  Chicago was amazing (I didn't get kidnapped or shot so that's great!😅) but there were a lot of crack heads and drunk people... But it's Chicago, right?  So, anyway, me and my family are taking this hug trip up North for about two weeks so I definitely won't be updating.  I'm really excited though!  We're bringing our male great dane with us and I can't wait to spend time on the road and in Boston, oh, Acadia too!  I thank all of you for your support and love, this book means so much to me, and of course you all do too!  I love all of you so much and I PROMISE the next chapter will be longer, a LOT longer. 


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