Homeward Bound

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The two were glued to one another for a majority of the night.  They even sang Sonny and Cher again.  This time, Alison looked at him the entire time.  "He is too good for me," she thought, "but that smile of his.  That's it.  Forget it.  You need to be with someone."

As the night was winding down, Adam and Alison didn't know how to end conversation.  It was as if on purpose.  Kelly walked over to them and asked if they wanted to go get food, and they both passed.  Much to what seemed to be Kelly's disappointment, and not because Alison wasn't going.

"I should probably get going too.  Gott catch an Uber," Adam told Alison.

"You didn't drive again?"

He just shook his head.

"I could drive you home," she told him, "it wouldn't be any trouble."

"What about Jack?  Don't you have to walk him?"  His brain yelled at him, "You idiot!  Why are you not jumping in her truck?"

"He'll be fine."  Then her brain started.  "Dumbass!  Have him go with you!"

"You sure?"  He seemed shaky.  Yet, Alison noted a hint of lust in his response.

Her brain said, "Fuck this!  Get him home so you can fuck him!"  Politely she spoke, "If you're that concerned, why don't you come with me and you can see him."

"She wants you dumbass.  Get. In. The. Truck."  "Well. . ."

"Get in," she told him.

"I guess I'm going," he laughed.  "Just be with her.  She's worth it," he told himself.

When they arrived at Alison's apartments, Jack came running to the door, but shot past Alison and went straight for Adam.  "Rude!" Alison joked.

Adam was on the floor, wrestling with Jack.  "Lucky dog," she thought, "wish he'd wrestle me like that."  "Jackie boy, leash."  With that, the big ball of black fur popped up from the floor and trotted to the door, picked up his leash and walked over to Alison.

"Wow, he's trained, isn't he?"  Adam spoke as he pushed himself up off the floor.  He walked towards the door, and as he did, Alison turned around.  "Oh.  Sorry," he stated as she bumped into him.  "Kiss her you idiot!" his mind raced.

Alison just glanced up ever so slightly at him.  "It's okay.  Coming?" as she opened the door.

"Loaded question," he thought.  Instead he just walked through the doorway, closing the door behind him.  Once Alison locked the door, they traveled down the stairs, Jack between them.  Once outside, Jack pulled in front of Alison, and Adam was to her right.  "Nice night," he said.

"Yeah, it's not bad."  She suddenly felt nervous.  He was so close to her, and he was quite understanding about her heart.  But she'd only met him the prior week.  Yet, she felt safe with him.  Something she hadn't experienced in years.  The she felt something else.  Adam put his arm around her shoulders.  "What is he doing?!" she thought.

"What are you doing?" he asked himself in his head.  Instead of answering that, he turned and looked at her.  He noticed the light given off by the other buildings put a shimmer in the corner of her eyes.  She turned and looked at him as he smiled at her.  "Is this okay?" he asked and then suddenly regretted doing so.  "Yeah cuz asking makes me took SO manly," he heard in his head.

"Yeah," Alison replied, "it is."  She was gentile in her response.  So he had his arm around her, so what?  Doesn't mean shit.  It felt good though.  Then they stopped as Jack found a spot to do his business.  Once he was done, they turned around and headed back to Alison's apartment, much in the same fashion as they had walked down the block in.  

Once they made it up the stairs and into her apartment, Adam spoke.  "Well, I guess I should head  down to your truck."

Alison turned her head to her left to see him.  She couldn't hide her confusion.  She spoke, "Oh. Uh. Okay.  Yea we can go now."  "Damn it.  What was that shit outside then?" she asked herself.

"Unless. . ."

"Unless what?" she asked.

He shook his head, "nothing."    "You IDIOT!"

Alison grabbed her keys and began to open the door.  Adam came up behind her quietly, and slowly slid his arms around her hips from behind, while leaning in and kissed the back of her neck. She closed the door and turned around to see his face.  She lost herself in his eyes as she dropped her keys, allowing her to reach up and play with his hair.  

Then, it was as if someone pressed a button when they met in a kiss that made fire seem cold.  It was like something out of a movie.  He had his hand on the door above her, pinning her between it and himself as he invaded her mouth.  She wrapped her arms around his neck and ran her hands in his hair, enjoying the dance taking place with their tongues.

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