Good Morning

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"What are you doing?"  Alison asked as she walked into her kitchen and found Adam standing at the stove later that morning.  The sun had risen for the day but she felt like a vampire given the late hour she went to bed.

"Well, good morning to you too," he replied in a silly manner.  "I thought I'd make you a nice breakfast as a thank you for letting me stay last night," he paused, "and as an apology for my behavior."

Alison watched him as he flipped pancakes and stirred eggs.  "Well, how sweet is this?" she thought.  "You don't have to. . ."

He cut her off, "here," as he handed her a plate, "sit and eat."

What was she supposed to do?  Yell at him?  Kick him out?  Taken aback by his gesture, she took the plate and sat at her table.  "Did he even sleep?" she wondered as she saw the time on the clock read eight-thirty.  "How did you. . ."

"It's a kitchen.  Only so many places things can be.  And, I don't mind cooking.  I like doing things for people that deserve it."  He turned the stove off and sat down.  "Listen," he began, his volume soft, and tone sincere, "I really am sorry about earlier.  But since Lisa, I just haven't."

"It's okay.  I get it.  I'm really not looking for anything anyway."  In her head, she followed that up with, "but I'd gladly ride you three ways from Sunday."

"No, I shouldn't have started something I wasn't ready to finish.  I also thought about my last comment."  He noticed her look at him, sternly, her brown eyes somewhat closed.  He realized how she had perceived his words.  "I didn't mean that quite how it sounded. I mean, you do have a big heart.  And what I meant was, you'll come out of the hole they put you in.  I realized after I said that, how bad it sounded.  Shoot, you barely know me, yet you were okay with me staying here.  I wanted to show you how much I appreciate you.  Even if I've only known you about ten to twelve hours."

Alison was not sure what to think of him at the moment.  Was he just giving her a line?  No, she could tell the difference between lies and sincerity - she learned how to tell the difference after her previous relationship was nothing but lies.  "Well, thank you.  I appreciate it."

It wasn't long before she had finished eating when she mentioned having to walk Jack and shower.  "I can take Jack while you clean up if you want," Adam offered, "I promise, I'll bring him back."  He was joking.

"What do you think Jackie Boy?  Let mommy get cleaned up, you go for a walk with Adam here?"  As if the dog was going to answer.  He heard "walk" and was wagging his tail.  "Okay.  Yeah,, that would be of help.  I'll drive you home after.  No sense of calling Uber."

Adam walked out of the apartment with Jack and Alison took a quick shower.  The whole time she was in there, she was thinking about what the early morning would have been like if he had continued.  She liked the idea of him being inside her, almost a little too much as she started to feel herself.  She quickly stopped, realizing Adam could be back with Jack at any second.

As she emerged from the bathroom, Adam walked back through the door with Jack.  "Timing," she thought.  "I'll just be a moment and we'll go," she proclaimed.

"Take your time," he spoke.  His mind started firing off thoughts as to why he stopped himself from being with her.  He was instantly attracted to her the moment he saw her.  And her kiss and skin were so soft.  But his wife. He missed her so much.  "She would want you to be happy," he told himself out loud, not realizing he spoke loud enough to be heard.

"What was that?" Alison asked, as she came out of her bedroom, sporting jeans and a tank top, boots in hand.

"Oh, nothing," he replied as if embarrassed.  "I take it you're ready to go?"

"How could you tell?"  Alison laughed.  She told Jack to be a good boy and that she'd be home soon.  She and Adam climbed into her truck, and within thirty minutes, they arrived at his apartment.

"Thank you, Alison.  I appreciate it."

"Thank you for breakfast.  I really wasn't expecting that."

"No problem."  He just fixated on her, and suddenly felt like an unexperienced teenager, wondering if he should kiss her or just exit the vehicle.  He chose the latter.  As he closed the door, he leaned back in and spoke, "I'll see ya around?"

"Yeah, maybe," she replied, "I gotta get back."

"Oh yes.  Of course.  Thanks Alison," and she watched as he walked into his building.

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