Everyone Has A Story To Tell

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As Alison unlocked her door and they were back in her apartment, she began, "I just get too attached too fast."  She unleashed Jack and began walking to her kitchen.  "Coke?"

"No, thank you.  I'm good."

"Okay."  She grabbed one for herself and came back to the living room and sat on her couch.  "You can sit if you like."  And he did.  "God," she thought, "he's actually still here.  Why?  Who cares.  Just mount him already."

"Thanks.  I should call for that Uber," and he pulled his phone out.  But he couldn't dial.  "Alison?"


"My story is this.  I lost my wife.  I lost my son.  They were killed in a car wreck.  Typical story, the other driver was hammered.  My boy was only four.  He was the best thing I ever had.  So smart.  So playful.  And I had him and my wife taken from me."  He started to choke up, so he stopped.

"I. . .I. . .I'm so sorry.  I can't begin to imagine that hurt.  I. . .wow.  I feel stupid."  She did.  So she had suffered a broken heart a time or two.  She never had this heartache.  "This poor man," she thought.  She noticed that Jack was laying at Adam's feet.

"Don't.  How could you have known?  It's been about three years.  I woke up one morning and just decided that Lisa and Evan wouldn't want me to hide anymore.  So, about six months ago, I just started doing small things.  Goin for walks, seeing one or two friends, so on and so on.  And well, here I am."

Alison just sat there, quietly.  She noticed Adam reach into his back pocket for his wallet.  He pulled out a photo of him, Lisa, and Evan.  "This was about a week before they died.  It was taken at my brother's birthday party."

Alison took the picture and stared at it.  "She's beautiful.  And he's the spitting image of you."  She felt tears forming.  "I'm so sorry," and she handed the photo back.  Her phone buzzed just then.  It was a text from Kelly, asking if she got home okay.  Alison replied.  She also, selfishly, told her about her conversation with Adam just now.  It was selfish in her mind because even though he had a picture of them, how did she know he wasn't just feeling guilty for being in another woman's house.  Kelly's reply was actually comforting.

"Yeah, he's been through some shit.  He lost his mind when they died."

While Alison was happy Kelly confirmed things, she felt like a piece of shit for not believing him.  But that was her mind controlling her.  She'd believed less from other she knew longer and they had lied to her.  Alison also suddenly realized the time.  "Um, Adam.  It's almost five in the morning.  If you'd prefer to camp out on the couch and call an Uber later or I could drive you home, that would be okay with me."

"Don't be silly.  I don't want to put you out."

"What put out?  I'm offering.  It's the least I can do.  And Jack seems to like you."

Adam giggled.  "Well, thank you.  That'd be great.  I am pretty exhausted."  He reached down and was petting Jack and spoke, "What you think Jack?  Bunk buddies?"  Jack just stayed on the floor.

"Jack usually sleeps in my bed, " Alison began, "but it looks like you're stealing him for a bit," and she chuckled.  "I'll be right back with a pillow and blanket for you."

"Thanks.  I do appreciate this."

Alison went into her bedroom to get those items.  While she was in there, she also change into an oversized t-shirt.  She didn't care much for nightgowns.  A baggy t-shirt and short suited her fine.  Her bra was gone, and she didn't feel much like putting shorts on.  "What are you doing?" she said to herself.  "What do you think is going to happen here?  You're not ready for anything from anyone.  And he's a bigger mess than you!"  Out loud, she said, "Exactly."

She hadn't known him long at all.  But she figured anyone that could tell a perfect stranger that story had to be worth while.  "Here you go," as she made her way to the couch, "I hope you'll be comfortable."

"I should be fine, thank you."  He was staring at her legs.  His brain began to fire, "Get those wrapped around you.  You deserve it after all you've been through."

"Need anything else?" she asked.

"Yeah, you on my cock," he thought.  What was she doing to him?  He just met her and all he could think of was making her scream in passion.  "No, I'm good," he stated.

"Okay.  Well, good night then.  Sleep well."  She turned to go back to her room but stopped.  She turned back around to face him.  "My problem is I trust people too quickly.  I love people too fast.  And all it's ever gotten me is nowhere.  The last time, what I thought was forever, was stripped away in one lie.  I've never really recovered.  What you've been through?  Fuck.  That makes me feel so self-centered.  I wondered how you could possibly understand me, and now I know why.  There's still a lot of me that feels dead inside.  But if you can move forward, I should be able to."  She started to tear up.  "I'm sorry, you don't need my goofy ramblings."  She started back towards her room.

"Alison."  She turned and saw him coming towards her.  He got close, almost too close, but she was okay with it.  "It's okay," he said softly, and he put his arms around her.

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