Chapter 12-Finally Love

Start from the beginning

Before leaving the store, Kate made a special request: "Please take very good care of Mason." I was surprised by that and left speechless. It seemed that Kate had finally moved on and let go of Mason. The change in her attitude and her ability to make that request showed her emotional growth and maturity.

Next, Kate surprised me with an invitation: "Would you like to accompany me to an amateur fashion designer's show?" A smile instantly formed on my face, and I could hardly wait for this opportunity. I enthusiastically accepted the invitation, eager to share this experience with Kate and further deepen our friendship.

Afterward, I met up with my friends at a café to catch up and share the news.

Luna and Emily were excited about the release of a new game, and I was surprised by how quickly Luna had overcome what had happened after the incident. It made me wonder if I would also be able to lead a normal life without fear once all this was over.

Raven and Daisy were discussing a book they were both reading about a witch falling in love with a prince. While waiting to place an order, Samantha joined me, and I took the opportunity to ask how things were going with Daisy, winking in complicity. She blushed and asked if it was that obvious. I responded with a smile and said it was visible from miles away. Samantha laughed and confessed she didn't know what to do. Daisy seemed not to notice her feelings.

I suggested Samantha confess her feelings, even though I wasn't an expert in matters of love. I believed that being honest was the best way to resolve the situation. I knew Daisy liked Samantha, but perhaps she had never considered Samantha romantically. I told her that if she confessed, Daisy might start to see her differently, and who knows, realize her feelings too.

Finally, I suggested that we go to the beach next weekend, and Samantha agreed, thinking it was an excellent idea since the beach was such a romantic place. The conversation flowed, and the atmosphere in the café was filled with good vibes and friendship. It was comforting to share these moments with my friends after everything we had been through.

After our relaxed chat in the café, we planned the trip to the beach for the following weekend. The idea of spending time at the beach excited us, and it seemed like the perfect opportunity to unwind.

While our plans for the trip were taking shape, Samantha was determined to follow the advice I had given about confessing her feelings to Daisy. However, she was a little nervous about the idea, as she didn't know how Daisy would react.

The week flew by, and soon we were on our way to the beach. The picturesque scenery and the sea breeze created a tranquil and romantic atmosphere. When we arrived at the beach, I noticed that Mason, Alex, and Lucas were there, along with two more guys from Lucas's group; they were the same boys who had played at the fair. 

I ran over to them and asked what they were doing there. Lucas explained that Emily had invited them.

Emily came over to me and whispered in my ear, "Looks like this day is going to be filled with romance," and let out a mischievous laugh. The anticipation of a weekend full of possibilities and surprises was in the air.

When we reached the beach, we began setting up tents and umbrellas. Emily asked about the names of the new friends who joined us. One of them was Oliver, a friendly and intellectual young man with a welcoming personality. His dark brown hair and glasses gave him an intellectual air. His green eyes were lively and curious, always attentive to everything around him. He exuded seriousness but was always ready for engaging conversations and interactions.

Kyle, on the other hand, was the opposite of Oliver in many ways. He was tall and exuberant, with striking green hair. His brown eyes were cheerful, and he sported a nose piercing that added a touch of rebellion to his appearance. His extroverted and lively attitude was infectious, and he was the kind of person who could quickly liven up any environment with his enthusiasm.

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