Chapter 13

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Rye Awakens!

It felt like eons since Equinox saw his master awake. But Equinox stayed true by his master's side, keeping a watchful eye as he ate Dragon's Root by the nearby stream's embankment that roared like a fierce lion when all the snow melted. The creek crested making it easy for Equinox to drink and made Dragon's Root abundant.

Despite miracles of life swirling around Equinox. Equinox disregarded the warmth of the breeze, the chirps of birds; bees gathering pollen from one flower to the next completing a dance we call life. The nearby honeysuckle gave off an intoxicating fragrance. The breeze was warm and calm—but Equinox noticed not of those things. All he cared about was his master—waiting for him to awaken.

This gave Equinox to sigh, long sighs of frustration that flared through his nostrils. The need to eat and drink became second nature. Losing sight of his master as he did such things did not settle well with him. Unsure what to do, a bird, a raven flew then sat making itself at home by a nearby branch. The raven took in Equinox's sorrowful expression, then tilted its head from one side to the next seeing a man lying upon the ground with youthful grass growing beneath him. But Equinox noticed not the blackbird or cared if he did notice. All he cared about was Rye, a friend, a master he loved dearly.

This upset the raven still perching upon a branch feeling a warm breeze of the day. Hearing hums and buzzing sounds of insects as they flew by. The raven was not going to stand for being ignored, so it did what all birds naturally do—it sung, letting the warmth of the air deliver its message—its song for Equinox's ears alone.

But Equinox stirred not a muscle as he looked at his master still asleep. He heard not the bird's song that was sung to him. Maybe it was fate or happenstance that a larger breeze came through and tickled the insides of Equinox's ears that caused in irritating twitch, forcing him to take notice of the blackbird now standing on fertile soil.

He stared looking at the bird with fixed eyes. The bird seemed different in some way but did not understand why. The why came to Equinox as his eyes widen as the bird began to bend and break as feathers fell like clumps to the ground. Hair as black as pitch soon replaced the feathers, fare skin like snow appeared from a single bird.

Equinox flared his nostrils with great astonishment, for he had not seen anything like in all of his days. He stood to his hind legs then began to kick with the front of his legs wildly at the intruder.

Morrighan stretched out her hand then emitted the most ethereal white light. A light unknown to Equinox causing his worries to drift and his fears to be replace with an unspeakable joy. Morrighan's eyes turned a deep shade of green allowing her thoughts and Equinox's mind to join as one mind. She spoke without the usage of her lips.

"Worry not my gentle steed. For your master is at rest, but unharmed. I read your thoughts and felt your wants and needs. Your time watching over your loved master has now come to an end. Go, play in the open meadows and drink from the coolness of the stream. I'll stand and watch over your owner, your master." She walked closer to the horse then placed her small hand over his nose. "Equinox, your journey is not at hand... But just begun. Eat the grass and drink to your heart's content. Sleep for I will always stand watch over you."

Equinox lowered his head and bowed down before Morrighan. When she stopped speaking the glow of her hand dimmed and Equinox took heed to her words.

Morrighan stayed true to her word as Equinox made his way to the open meadow where the tall green grass awaited him. She turned to Rye then placed her red lips over his then kissed him gently. She spoke softly like a breeze into his awaiting ear. "There is much more for you to do Master Rye. It is time to awaken from your dreaming and come into the world of the living." She drew out a dagger encrusted with Phreebous's blood. "I want you to have this... A promise that I fulfilled to you. I killed him and ran it deep within his chest. When you are ready your eyes will part slowly. Take your time, for I must go for now."

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