Prologue: Acknowledgments

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I write and dedicate this book to my family and to friends that I met along the way. I love you all.

Mother, I used to look up to the Amethyst Mountains. Now my old aging eyes look up to you. You had always been my strength when I lacked strength of my own. I only hope to see you in the next world. If the gods allow it.

To Isabella, my mother. You upheld yourself with grace and dignity that remain a mystery to me for so many years. Even when the winter storm came unannounced, I truly marveled at your resolve when the storm stole my father, your beloved husband, then claimed the life of a family friend, Si. Tears flowed when you heard the news of your sister being gravely ill. Still, I do not know how you did it. When you cried, you showed me that quiet strength that held steadfast through the years.

My life changed forever when your life was taken along with your sister, my aunt. I always believed that I had time to say what I longed to say. And to do the things I longed to do. When I found you and my aunt slain, I vowed never to take the time that has been given to me for granted. Even though I'm old and full of years, I can't help but feel cheated. I wanted to tell you these things face to face. I wanted to tell you how I looked up at you and thank you for loving me and for being my mother. I wanted to tell my Aunt Aslis how much I loved her. It was all taken from me. But it is my fault. I should have told you when I had the chance. I should have hugged you more deeply. I should have never taken time for granted. My saying I'm sorry will never be enough. I pray and beg you to forgive me. For that is all I have left to offer.

To Rye, my father, I learned everything from you. And I thank you. I was awkward in the stages of youth, but you, my darling father, looked past the awkwardness and saw a vibrant woman. It was through hard work and fresh bruises from hand-to-hand combat training that made me what I am today. I remember mother yelling at you when I arrived with my first black eye. It swelled up for a week. What I loved most about you was that you never held back your hand. Like hammer to red hot steel, you shaped me and molded me into what I am now. I am focused, and I learned to use my focus in turning hate to a fine point. Do you remember, father, how I used your size and strength against you? You remember how I held my dagger to your throat when I knocked you off balance? It was through focus that I studied your movements, for your shoulders were bigger than my head. I waited with bated breath when your legs crossed over the other. It was then I struck! And struck hard. You fell with a great thud and I wasted no time pressing the gleam of my blade to your neck. I saw a mixture of surprise and pride on your face that day. And that was the day you handed me your dagger. Thank you for never taking it easy on me. But when training was over, you were father once again. Loving, as always.

The day you left with Si was the last time I saw you. Your teachings you taught me stayed with me through the darkest times of my life. You also taught me that the ones I love dwell within my heart. I suppose you and Mother and Aunt Aslis had never left me; you all had stayed within me for all those years.

To a dear friend, Si, I knew you as an uncle and I miss you dearly. I miss your big wooly beard, hearing the clicking and clacking of your armor during the morning hours as you approached the front door of our house. But what I missed the most is your laughter. Your laughter could shake the very foundation of a house, your laughter made the stormiest days less stormy. You were a walking embodiment of happiness. Your heart was truly a heart of gold that could not be measured in wealth, but in kindness and generosity. The only word I can find to say to you is that I love you. I feel it is not enough, but it is all I can say at this moment.

To Mórrígan. You blessed our family in ways you could not imagine. I always believed there was something special about you. But I suppose we can say that about anybody. But you held a secret light that no one knew you held. I swear, I had seen glimpses of that light in the past. And thank you for revealing your true self when your husband died. And you looked after my father as you went to find the "Cursed Ones."

I always looked at your unique nature with awe. Thank you for all you have done for my family and for our realm.

To Adhavox. I was taken aback by your appearance and stature. You were the first werebore I have ever seen. I was embarrassed by my reaction when I first met you. It was your size that took me by surprise, but your kindness and how you up held yourself when I was in your presence put me at ease. I suspected you noticed my uneasiness when I first laid my eyes on you. I never thanked you for your patience and the loving way you put me at ease. Because of that, I married your son Onyx. He reminded me so much of you. Onyx never had to tell me, but I noticed it from observing him as he spoke with you, and how he stood near you, that he looked up to you with awe. I should know... For I too had looked upon my parents with the same adoration as he did with you. For that, you should be proud.

To Onyx, my darling husband, All I can say to you is thank you for marrying me. Thank you for your love. I saw not the wereboar that was in front of me but I only saw the man that was inside. Our marriage did not last long, but still, I have you within the most sacred part of me. And there you shall live until I rejoin you once again.

To Moonbeam, a sister that I never had. If I were to imagine having a sister, I would have imagined you. Thank you for all that you had done. Thanks for being my family when I had none. Thank you for the talks we shared and the walks through the woods. Thank you for opening your home to me and sharing your realm with a human. I also want to thank your mother, Abigale. She was like a mother to me. When my family was gone, you and your mother were there, and I thank you. Thank you for being my sister. I will always love you.

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