Past Trauma

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⚠️Mention of assault/rape⚠️
⚠️Mention of torture⚠️

~~Your POV~~

You tremble against Bob as he holds you after your nightmare, resting your head on his chest as you work through your thoughts. There's so much to tell him but you don't quite know how to start. You've been a prisoner of war several times, and they were all absolute torture. Part of you is afraid Bob will leave when he finds out everything that's happened to you.

"We were ambushed by the enemy one time. They came out of nowhere. We were camping after taking back one of the cities that had been captured by insurgents. They were probably watching us the entire time, waiting for us to drop our guard. We did. We didn't mean to. It was a long fight and we were tasked with patrolling the area while the rest fell back. I was in charge when there was a sudden smoke bomb. It was so quiet by the time we realized what happened it was too late. A few of my squad members managed to go and report what happened but the rest of us were taken hostage.-"

"They wanted to know the plans. How we were able to decimate their members. None of us would speak. The torture we went through was terrible. Beatings, weird drugs.....rape. Well, that one just fell on me. I tell you, gang bangs are absolutely exhausting. Still, none of us would say a word. Other than screaming from pain we refused to say a word. The insurgents were stupid. They served us what they claimed would be our final meal. We knew, if we didn't get out we were all going to die. So, I did the only thing I could think of!"

"You seduced them didn't you?" Bob asks softly.

"Yeah. While the leader and I 'had fun' as he put it I managed to get a knife. He forgot to take it out of his pocket and was so distracted by sex he didn't even realize I had taken the knife. I slammed that fucking thing hilt deep into his neck until he bled out. He ended up having the keys on him too. The rest of his team were prepping for our destruction so I freed my squad. We found anything and everything that could possible be a weapon and we launched our attack.-"

"-We caught them all off guard and completely destroyed them! Oh, it was so fucking satisfying. Watching the life drain from their eyes as we freed ourselves. Johansson hijacked the radio and gave our location. They swarmed the place but it was just a small group at the time. Still, we got some good information out of the documents and everything they had. It helped us free a lot of innocent people." You mumble.

"The.....rape. You've been through it multiple times haven't you?" He asks gently.

"It wasn't easy but I was sent undercover a lot. Being a woman meant I could infiltrate certain places to get information. Thankfully, I killed a lot of them so they wouldn't do it to anyone else. I know it's wrong but I enjoyed watching the life drain from their eyes. The look of pure shock as they bled out was so satisfying," You growl, your hands curling into fists against Bob's chest. "I wish I could destroy all of them."

"Ya did a good job killing a lot of them. You saved a lot of lives," Bob tells you.

"With past partners.....they usually left if they found out I'd been raped. They all said the same thing," You tell him, a choked sob catching in your chest. "They all said I was filthy and contaminated. Who wants a used whore?"

"Don't. Ever. EVER. Call yourself that again," Bob growls, your eyes widening at how deadly his voice is. He grabs your chin and guides you to look up at him. "You're none of those things. You're strong, beautiful, and the best damn girlfriend I've ever had."

"Even if I'm broken?" You breathe as the tears continue to stream down your face. When did you start crying?

"Yer not broken. Sure you have some issues but who doesn't? That doesn't make you any less of a person. Your past hasn't been easy. Don't let anyone diminish what happened because it's real. Even if they don't agree with it all you've done a lot of really amazing things." Bob tells you.

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