New Job

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"Good morning?" A large man questions, catching your attention from where you're sitting on the ground.

You've been through pretty much every single business in town and no one is willing to hire you. Finally, you came to your last ditch effort. The owner wasn't advertising a job but you figured it wouldn't hurt to ask.

"Good morning!" You cry, using your crutches to get back to your feet. "I'm Y/N L/N. I was wondering if you're hiring?"

The man is surprised, accepting your outstretched hand when you offer it, surprised you keep your crutch standing as you shake his hand.

"I'm not sure a restaurant is the right place for you," He admits, pausing when he sees your face completely fall. "However, I need a secretary."

"Really?" You ask hopefully.

"Sure, I hate messin' with the money aspect of things and need a hand at the register. Ya don't gotta walk far, just give me the orders," He explains, releasing your hand and moving to unlock the door. "I already have a waitress so she'll take care of deliverin' the food."

"You have no idea how much this means to me," You breathe, following him inside.

"Sure. I'm Bob. I own the place," He tells you.

"I'm Y/N!" You smile, following him behind the counter.

"Kitchen is through that door and the service window is right behind the register. Will you be able transfer the plates to the counter?" He asks you.

"Absolutely," You assure him. "When can I start?"

"Today if ya'd be so inclined?" He offers you with a smile.

You freeze when he smiles at you so sweetly, your cheeks heating up as you register just how handsome he is. He's got short messy black hair, piercing blue eyes full of kindness. He's tall, quite a bit taller than you, and he's large. He's an absolute mass of a man and your mind imagines being wrapped in those arms. He'd protect you, you could feel it.

"Miss Y/N?" He calls, snapping you out of your daydream.

"Oh! Yes! Sorry, yes I can start today," You tell him.

"Excellent! The office branches off from the kitchen. I'll work on openin' if ya want to look through the office," He explains.

His accent is a thick southern one that sends chills up and down your body, your mind craving to hear him talk more. You could get lost in conversation with that voice all day. You follow him to the office and your eyes widen at the stacks upon stacks of boxes. Thank god you trained in administrative work. You learned as much as possible as you could while serving and this was one of the skills you picked up. Bob leaves you be and you begin looking through the boxes. Fortunately, all of them are labeled with dates so you'll be able to enter them into the system no problem.

You fire up the laptop and find it unlocked already, downloading excel and a few other apps onto the computer, starting with the earliest box and beginning to record sales and expenses for each month labeled on the boxes. Bob seems to be at least one year behind on having this information recorded and realize he must be new to electronic recording. Everything is being put online these days and this small restaurant has to follow suit. Bob retrieves you once the restaurant opens, amazed to see you so far into the boxes.

"I can't thank you enough," He admits. "I'm no good at this technology stuff."

"I can't thank you enough for hiring me. No one really wants a one legged worker," You tell him, grunting when he suddenly stops and you run into him. "You okay?"

In the Arms of DangerTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon