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"Open up L/N!" You hear Johansson shout with a loud banging on your door.

"You better be coming today or we'll break down the door!" Williams shouts.

"Hold on!" You snap in annoyance, smoothing out your blues before getting to the door and opening it. "Geez, don't bother the neighbors."

"It was Oscar's idea," Williams snickers.

"Oscar!" You cry, shaking your head at the grinning man.

"This place needs the livelihood," Oscar laughs. "Who's gonna get mad at a bunch of soldiers?"

"I can name a couple," You snicker. "Thank you for coming today."

"I would have been livid if you didn't invite me," Oscar grins, all you us squeezing into the elevator and riding it down.

Oscar offered to drive you so you both get in his car while everyone else climbs into their own cars. You stare out the window while Oscar drives the car, watching the scenery pass by with a soft frown.

"Your face is gonna get stuck like that," Oscar scolds after a little while.

"It would be fitting then," You mumble softly.

"I know it sucks how you got it but a Purple Heart is a big honor," Oscar tells you gently. "It's been two weeks. You seem to be adjusting well."

"As best I can," You mumble with a shake of your head, slumping into your seat. "They want me to go see a bunch of different doctors and I honestly just want to be left alone."

"You know, losing a leg and having PTSD are two very serious things," He points out. "Of course they're sending you to a bunch of different doctors. It would suck if I lost you too."

You look over at Oscar with wide eyes at his words. "Wh-What?"

"You know, if something happened to you I would be heart broken. You're a good kid and you deserve the finer things in life. More than some old man," He says with a soft chuckle. "But, it's nice to have someone to care about again after losing Sandra."

"I'm sorry," You tell him, resting a gentle hand on his arm. "Fine, I'll see the doctors but I want your pie after every appointment. You know the one I love."

"Oh? I'm gonna fatten you up if I do that!" He laughs.

"It'll be worth it," I tell him with a grin.

"How about I cook you dinner too?" He offers. "I know how hard it is to do that after meals have been provided."

"You do?" You ask in surprise.

"Yep. After school I was thrown into the world. Suddenly I had to feed myself on top of a job. I was awful at it. Sandra helped me get better. We would always cook together," He explains with a sad smile. "I miss her."

"It's not the same but I wouldn't mind learning more," You offer. "I'll have to figure out how to do it with one leg. It would probably be better if I have someone there in case I fall or something."

"Really?" He asks, glancing over at me. "I don't want to keep you from your life you know."

"You won't be at all! It'll be nice to have something to look forward to," You tell him with a smile.

"Good, then it's settled!" He declares. "We'll start cooking dinner together."

You smile and nod your head, relaxing back in your seat feeling content. Once you all arrive at the city hall everyone takes seats in the front row. Oscar sits beside you, gently patting your thigh when he notices your eyes darting around everywhere. You can feel your anxiety rising as more and more people show up along with cameras and reporters. You try not to pay any attention to them but it's really hard to do as you become increasingly aware by the number of people present. Your squad seems to notice your uneasiness so they bring you and Oscar into quiet conversation.

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