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Your pov

You groan softly when the light streams in through the curtains, rolling over to face away from the window. You peek your eyes open when you hear soft chuckle, smiling softly when Bob's blue eyes meet your (e/c) colored ones.

"Good morning," He tells you, his voice slightly gravelly from just waking up.

"Good morning," You smile. "Last night was intense."

"I had a lot of fun too," He chuckles, gently brushing your hair behind your ear. "You feelin' okay?"

"Sore and like my muscles feel like lead but otherwise yes," You assure him.

"Ya hungry?" He asks, smiling when you nod your head.

He leans down and gives you a kiss on the lips before he moves out of bed. He stretches with a groan, your cheeks flushing at the number of nail marks across Bob's back. His neck is covered in hickies as well and you can see a few places where your fingers bruised him.

"Starving," You tell him. "Super starving."

"I would hope so after our exercise last night," Bob teases with a smirk.

"Shut it!" You huff, throwing a pillow into his face.

You scream in surprise when he's suddenly pinning you to the bed, giggling as you look up at him.

"Ya wanna fight?" He purrs. "I know a few moves to keep you in this bed for weeks."

"Oh? You sure you wanna threaten me? I know a few torture methods," You reply with a sly smile. "I can have you a puddle at my very feet."

"Breakfast first and then I'll consider it," Bob grins, giving your lips a kiss before getting up. "If ya need me ta carry ya just holler."

You smile and shake your head, watching Bob pull on a pair of boxers before he leaves the bedroom. You push yourself into a sitting position, wincing from pain when you get up on your leg. You grab your crutches and make it into the bathroom, pausing as you look yourself over in the mirror. You seem to have just as many marks as Bob does. You use the bathroom and then return to bed, fitting in your prosthetic. You then grab Bob's discarded shirt and put it on. It's a lot like a dress on you and covers everything so you head downstairs to Bob.

You rest against the doorway to the kitchen as Bob bustles about making breakfast, admiring him from behind. He whistles softly to some song on the radio that you don't pay much attention to. This feels so nice. It feels right. Waking up to Bob in the mornings, one or both of you making breakfast, just enjoying the morning. The smell of breakfast leaves your stomach growling, leaving you wondering if it's a coincidence when Bob turns around after it happens.

"Ya made it!" He teases you with a grin. "How do ya feel?"

"Starving," You tell him with a grin. "We did quite a bit last night after all."

"Good thing I can cook," He hums. "Here."

"Thanks," You tell him when he hands you coffee just the way you like it.

"Go sit. I'm almost done," He tells you, leaning down to give you a kiss before turning back to the food.

You head to the table and settle down in one of the chairs. Bob comes over a little while later with plates, setting yours in front of you before sitting in the seat closest to you. You smile, the two of you digging into the food.

"So, what's the plan for today?" You ask him.

"Well, I was planning to surprise you with a visit to the caverns but I'm not sure if a walk is the best idea," He admits.

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